Release 167 - Report issues here

Found a bug…

I worked my way to mass crafting skill and setup 3 runs of Oort Shards before I left for work this morning (~8hours ago).

I logged out shortly after and on my return just now this is where they are… 7101 weeks! So in 136.55 Years my Oort Shards will be done…

So I cancel the crafting and all of my Oort and the Spark used to fule the process for all 3 mass crafing are gone!!! NO! I really wish I could get them back :frowning:

Nope not a durability thing…

Attempting this again:

Lets see if It works…

Maybe check the durability or something along those lines in contents, your extractor might need to be spanned with a spanner

ok, so we cant see each other’s shovels - just shoveling here and we both see our tools fpp but not on the other person (also happened with a chisel before that)

The objective “Setting Up A Request Basket” is not working. I’ve pickedup and re-setup all of my “Request Baskets” over 12 of them and I’m still showing (0/10).

I believe this was also noted here: Release 167 - Report issues here - #19 by Kawwak

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Have you tried anyone selling things to you

No names on player.

And the text is very difficult to read, have to move the camera to a darker, or lighter area to read it.

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I think the classic black with white outline or white with black outline would be a good choice for the text, along with perhaps a few sizes larger of font… the UI scale only helps so much and that can clutter the screen a lot :confused:

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Sent in a bunch of crash dumps to the email, but now my game is occasionally crashing 3 times in a 20 minute span, and is no longer generating dump files.

@Xanotos, Confirmed player sold me bone and sap still not working.

Adding screenshot after someone just sold me 34 berries… still no update as seen here:

k. i haven’t had anyone tell confirm that to me yet. thanks

Feats using furnance for crafting don’t appear to be correctly tracked. I tried it with cooking starberries but its not tracked.

Feats for compacting like the Crushed and Compacted I, does not appear to be tracking correctly either. I tried compacting clay and it did not track.

Feats for extraction also don’t appear to be tracking either. I tried extracting a fibre and fossil extract and it doesn’t tract.

Feats for gathering leaves, trunk, and soil, don’t appear to be working either.

We had a look and discovered that it’s a bug, so we’ll log this. Thanks for the report.

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We fixed an issue where players were colliding with portals, but did your issue occur before or after we pushed the minor update?

Do you have any crash dumps generated around those 3 occasions?

Not sure what happened, but I was traveling around epsilo, and was very close to leveli to 20

Upon returning to sanctum and warping to my base camp (also in epsilo) I received the “level 20” animation and it told me all of the rewards I was receiving. I expected this, as I had begun a ton of crafting before I left my base camp

However I didn’t actually level up. In fact, it didn’t seem as if I had gained any experience at all from the crafting.

So this was either a case of receiving the level 20 message in error after using a warp

Or a bug in which I didn’t receive any crafting xp and it was all lost

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We listed some of these as known issues in the release notes. In response to you not being able to increase Beacon Prestige, what kind of blocks are inside your beacon?

Was this before or after the minor update? Also, what tool were you using when the crash occurred?