Release 167 - Report issues here

When I destroy an activated Beacon with plots connected to it, the plots persist and are usable. Is this intended?

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Who Wants To Be a Coinionaire? - glitchy thing, easy to earn. @endymion found bug with the basket and there is an other way, but you’ll need a friend. Take all coins that you both have and thru the Traiding, do the swap of coins with a friend as many times as would be enough to reach a 10,000,000
I and @Karokendo had in total 240,000 coins and we spent 10 minutes i think. It was a cheating :blush: but for the science, for the common good :innocent:


Control attribute does not work. I have 7 levels in control, my placement range is still only 6m. By the item description, I should have +14 to my base range. I haven’t got enough cleanse points to back out and respect at this point.

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This sounds quite similar to what @Arkefyre was experiencing.

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@vdragon have been communicating with boundmore about the issue, it appears that specifically entering your base from sanctum is what is causing the experience loss, it is not dependent on entering or exiting the game.

I was able to replicate by warping to sanctum from inside my base while machines were running, and when I exited to claim the experience the same scenario happened with the level-up animation playing and the experience being lost.

We haven’t see this so far. Have you had the large crafting time issue again with the same machine since then, despite only having a small percentage of wear?

Thanks for the information, we’ll add this to the database alongside your earlier post about it occurring with some of the Wildstock.

That’s currently the way it works in game, but we’ll make a note of this for the designers to consider.

We should have a fix for this in the next update, as long as you use a machine in your own beacon.

Those are not log files. You can get the log file from here: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Turbulenz\Boundless\boundless_log.txt

Also, if you haven’t done so already, please email the crash dumps over to us.

Thanks for the information, we’ll add this to our database.

Is that the ‘Edge Climb’ skill you’re referring to?

If the other player quits the trade, does it display ‘Trading Cancelled’ on screen as well?

No I just stuck in the change coin screen I cant even click cancel

Thanks for the bug report, we’ll log it into our database.

Can you find out what the other player was doing at the time in terms of what menus were opened?

How are you getting into this situation? Did you wait until the Warp Conduit’s timer finish before it closed. When I tried it, the Warp Conduit simply disappeared.

Just to check, are you crafting these in your own beacons or are you crafting items in someone else’s beacon?

Was this from your own inventory?

In my own case, these were crafted in my own beacon that I placed and fueled, and that Boundmore also had villager status in.

If you’re referring to the Igneous Stones, you now require less rocks to craft stones.