I can also confirm that my laptop had the issue with corrupted HP bars (drawing all messed up) until I upgraded its drivers to the latest. This is on a 940MX with the latest drivers (385.41).
Hi, I know this is minor but under places I believe. When you click settlement info there is a typo. âPlantery rankâ I assume itâs supposed to be planetary?
Hopefully this will not be an issue when the new sanctum is in the game.
Thanks for specifying the GPU. This issue does mainly affect integrated graphics cards as well as some dedicated ones, so itâs always useful to know the cards that have this problem.
Donât worry if itâs minor, text errors are always useful to be reported, as it is a bug.
I cannot buy any Warp Crystals (Totem ammo) anywhere.
When I press âMake this purchaseâ the warp crystal stays and a message pops up saying â---- coin spentâ (even though it does not spend any of my coin).
Not a big deal, but looks like there is some sign inconsistency between âpointing totem with warp crystal at planet in sanctumâ and that very location in the places->locations tab.
Walking to 660N 660E (in the locations tab) led me to a different biome than the one I was pointing at in the sanctum.
Just to check: Is it intentional that you canât shoot warp crystals from the sanctum to the planet you are currently on? (Outside of the Tutorial)
Side note: Minus North ⌠wouldnât that be ⌠South?
Iâm sure it has been mentioned before, that your hotbar unassigns stuff occassionally, but I think I got a lead on how to reproduce it.
What seems to happen is that when you are swapping a stack (or smart-stack) of items in your inventory with a stack (or smart-stack) from an external inventory it will assign a hotbar slot (donât know which one it choses) to the item smart-stack that got swapped to your inventory, but it seems that the hotbar slot it has chosen must already be assigned to something or else nothing happens.
It does seem like it doesnât always react this way, but those seems to be some of the prerequisites.
Is this still happening, or like @TwistedFoot it suddenly worked for you later?
Did you post about this once before? Thereâs definitely an issue where the coordinates are not matching with the ones that appear when aiming the Totem at a planet.
When you mentioned external inventory, did you mean something like storage?
Iâm noticing a weird thing with the crafting table. Sometimes when I click on an item to look at it, the game seems to trigger me building one of the item. Almost like my click double registered. I canât still track it down, but has anyone seen this?
It has been happening to me too. I made it stop by clicking on the very far right of each item, where there arenât any âcraftâ buttons that would show up on expansion of the menu item. Alternatively, you can also click on the far far left for the same effect. (for example, if I had clicked on the leftish area, it might sponaneously craft 1, if I clicked middle it would bulk craft some, if I clicked rightish area it would mass craft) I think itâs registering these as clicks for crafting before the buttons even appear.
Got my daily and weekly bonus and 15595 daily + 51985 weekly = 118799 XP. Managed to get a screenshot, definitely got a free 50k xp this time and last:
I am noticing that very rarely do my request baskets show the item I wish to buy when I view them. Sometimes it shows a completely different item (like what I might have in my hand at the time.)
Here is a screenshot. This basket is requesting sap yet shows as blank. Is this normal?