Release 239: Lovestruck and Prototype Creative Mode!

I 100% empathize with people who have a disability. I’m also sure that Wonderstruck is doing everything they can to get these type of things to PS4 users, too. I seriously doubt it’s a question of fairness. If you could get the PC players with disabilities something immediately but it’d take months to get it approved/released it on PS4, why would you wait?


Well bot farming is not allowed on any platform anymore so that does not matter much.

Do you have a PC, doesn’t need to be great, one that can at least do RemotePlay to your PS4 on the same network, then you CAN script the heck out of anything. Let me know if you need help…

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It needed to be tested first which is something that they can’t do on PS4, plus it currently only works by running the planet servers locally which the PS4 would not like very much due to performance issues.

Once rental planets are fully implemented even PS4 players can rent a creative mode planet and script the heck out of it…


I just don’t agree…i have played array of games…and I just don’t agree. But i guess i am wrong from how u can see the growth of people playing and staying… also Aenagames i hope u are doing as good as one can be.

You don’t agree with what exactly?

That it needs testing? That the PS4 does not have enough power to run local planet servers? What?

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I don’t agree with it all…haha

Ah ok, so you feel running a planet server does not eat precious CPU cycles on the PS4 which already performs worse than the PC, ok, very logical reasoning too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And of course you feel the WS devs are dev gods so their stuff don’t need testing at all, gotcha! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yea say what you need…end of the day. For me it isn’t good for ps4 players. For me I am losing interest recently. There is no growth for ps4 players and i am starting to feel bored.

Updated OP with details of 239.3.


Well done on addressing this one quickly