Release 242 is Live! Beacon Reclaims, Glass Pane Signs, and Compactness are here

Portal and Beacon fire look Fuzzy now is that Correct and how you look for Compactness on playstation

It;s in the beacon overview. First tab, top menu option…

I see it on beacon overview it says 64 (good) does that mean what lol

It means good compactness rating :slight_smile: (100 is max)

Ok how me check were those are so I can make it 100 lol

More playing around with different ideas… on deco gleam and such!


We kinda figured this might happen… LDOT owns the roads and not much else, therefor making it super non-compact. We will be addressing this soon and determining how to proceed.

I assume we are not the only major City to be suffering from this…

@Devs, got any suggestions how to continue with our (the greater communitys) organized road networks that now are not compact?

The owner of the roads doesn’t matter, only the general shape of the city. Once people “settle” by building alongside all the roads, the roads will become compact. At least that’s my understanding. Roads will be punished in general, if anything is pre planned. If you care about compactness you have to build roads a bit at a time - but then they can get blocked by other people.

No real solution to this yet, you just have to absorb the prestige hit if you want straight roads that don’t get blocked off in your city.

I haven’t launched the game yet. I’m gonna wait a day or two to do so, because I’m pretty sure I will not be compact, haha.

If anybody lost great city due to the update and needs help, I’m happy to come build a temporary prestige tower for you (and remove it later when you don’t need it anymore).

Can we get updated compactness maps please? Thank you very much devs!

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@SamF @james

at the reclaim


Yeah becaons
They’re like macarons they’re delicious

Please only reclaim one at a time. Don’t be a greedy gus, leave some for others.


Can some1 tell me if the graphics on Lucent bows etc are correct

I just tried to go hunting, the pc players I asked said they weren’t having the issue. Oddly my amethyst bow didn’t have the animation issue, but all others (including lucents) did. Here’s what I was getting everytime I shot something with my rift bow…

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Is this Correct the animations are missing it looks like that on my Beacons and portals to

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Was genau sind Beacons.
Sorry für diese frage, aber bin erst seit 5 Tagen dabei :smiley:

That seems to be the case for all the ps4 players I’ve talked to. Getting the same blocky animation in the centraforge too.

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Some VFX are broken on PS4 and macOS due to a shader issue. We’ll get it fixed ASAP.



Zuerst reserviert man ein stück land mit einem campfeuer, das man dann mit so nem „beacon“ - ein markierpfosten, der „leuchtfeuer“ genannt wird. Der beacon bekommt einen namen und treibstoff, damit reserviert man den „plot“ eine gewisse zeit. Man kann weitere plots dranhängen, um mehr bauplatz zu bekommen und ausserdem schützt man seine bauten! Wenn der treibstoff ausgeht, wird alles wieder verfallen, also rechtzeitig auffüllen. Wenn du noch mehr wissen willst, melde dich :slight_smile:

I know some of us have been spinning our wheels a bit, but glad to see the update come out. Thanks devs for the hard work. Hopefully the reclaim system will help in keeping around those players who take a break but do come back later.


Welcome! When you want to build something & save your place/items, you need to place a beacon control in an open area. Then you have to place fuel in it to activate it. As you earn plots, you can use a plotter to expand your place. If you get stuck or need help, lemme know and I’ll come over. :blush:
