Release 248: Halloween 2020! 🎃

Lol. Yeah that’s not actually me. Sorry😂 What was said in the sanctum stays in the sanctum.


Well expect the clap you gave me/us :joy::skull:


I would like to have potions available from cauldrons. Actually I want a cauldron. Anyone selling them?

New quirks! Hell yeah!

Gotta replace your chosen tool’s texture file with a selfie stick and a phone at the end :laughing:

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Why are the bats I harvest all black? while I have planted on supports of different colors

They all start out black as crops but once mature they should have their meant color

edit: color does mutate like goo so might differ from the trellis color

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[quote=“WendyVandecatsye, post:127, topic:52466, full:true”]

I’m talking about mature bats: they are all black
 I had planted about 500 and already 80 of them BLACK 
 I stopped growing :pensive: :thinking:

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well that sucks 
 doesn’t work like spiders then 

Can the devs confirm this as you can get them in colors on creative 
 @james @rossstephens @vdragon

Edit : all the spiders are black as well 


oh no. I’m apparently glad I didn’t have time to start planting yet :sob:

Is it my eyes or the atmosphere change on planets ? :eyes:

Maybe because of Halloween Event :laughing:

I got lost in the cave I. The sanctum. Glad I didn’t find the lava. Incredible work @georgegroeg

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I jumped straight into the lava! You are a good in sanctum.


Yeah you’re good in sanctum. No death or drowning.

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Also no grapples which makes me sad


So is there something for finding all of the Lost Oortys and Toxic Spiders? We found 14 Oortys and 13 Spiders.


Some fun things going through my mind when see me in the sanctum.
“There can be only one!”
“These clones really mature quickly.”
“Your in my seat.”
“You see where there Elder went?”
“Looks like you got a bit of a spider problem here.”
“Come on dad. Can you stop dropping me off at oortschool in the mech. It’s embarrassing!”


Am I the only one happy to get black spiders and bats?
I was really hoping they don’t end up green :slight_smile:
The small bug is a blessing: get your black bats & spiders and then, get colorful ones without changing anything. It’s a win!



Nope it’s not just you. I planted 250 bats the moment I saw the forum post about them not mutating quite right.

I dont mind some colorful ones but I primarily wanted black ones.

I do wonder if it’s the right thing to do though? Feeling as if I’m being a little bit exploitative, especially considering I’ve done it with intent and didnt have them planted until I heard.

I’m sure a dev will advise me if I’ve done a bad thing. :grimacing:


James is going to change all your bats to silk yellow