yeah maybe (sometimes you need to exaggerate to rais awareness) … but that’s why i changed from “shareholders” to “customers/shareholders” … but i think that ALL backers aggregated are much more than “only” backers. roughly aggregated we have raised ~430k € which is not “that few” for an unfinished software project (which have a statistical high rate of failure). It’s not a million (or two or three or what amount Wounderstuck needs). and even if i have exaggerated at this point the core issue is not wrong.
the sad truth is that everyone who is disappointed quits the game (most of the time) and you’ll never see him again. so you don’t get negativ feedback because everyone who’s disappointed stops responding / answering / writing. and maybe this is one of the reasons why there are 1.1k registered users and only feeled 100 of them are active more than once a week (but this is highly hypoteticaly).
i REALLY appreciate the fast reaction of the @devs (in special @james, @vdragon) in this situations. what happend (and this much faster than i’d expect it)
- they have updated the official page
- there is a QA Wiki post and i hope all questions will be answered in the near future
Fast reactions and the will to explain stuff and answer questions (within a reasonable time) is something i’ve missed - a lot - the last months. i KNOW they are bussy but for me the situation reached a point where i was no longer happy with the informations we recieved. as you can see, there are others feeling the same and there are also others feeling the exact oposite of me. i’m sure this has to do with the expectations we have in EA and/or growdfounding and the personal contribution to something you like or hope it will be a great game.
if i’ do not want to be part of the development process i would not have bought it as EA but I was delighted within the first second and i really like to see B< become one of the best MMOs / Sandbox Games i’ve ever played.