I agree with @Hexblood at this point. there is much more then being “fully funded”. You said you like to see features but do you know:
- how the features will looke like ?
- how they change gameplay ?
- how can you interact with them ? (e.g. how do you use a power core ?)
i don’t think you can. at the moment, we se features if they are ready to ship regardless of whether we like the gameplay mechanism behin them or not. i don’t saw a “feature-list” set since B< has been fully funded… on the old page we hat a “planed features” list and we where at least able to talk about the features and name them … Now we do not even have that. Do we get:
- all of this - original planed - features ?
- do we get more ?
- do we get less ?
Noone can say … and that’s a point where my bile is high.
That is exactly what my post is all about … if the PR has been better and if you’d (the community) be previously informed about the update you have had a chance to stop the update or tell the devs the idea is ■■■■!
one can only solve those problems which are known!
The dev promised us:
but i can’t see where we have been “involved in the development” in the last half year. we were fobbed off with concept arts!!! (noone knows when we’ll ever see them in game like
@Smoothy said). the major part of the development (gameplay mechanics) is hidden from us! and we lost the surveys for no good reason (i’m happy we get one for the beacons) …
sad but true
I wish the devs would return to their old behavior. A community - especially in such a project - can never get enough informations.
As said, KSP did exactly this. i don’t think that one or two pages of text a week (about “planed & done thinks”) will delay the work. If the @devs share the task like in this example (neglected the topics - only fillers) they won’t loose any productivity
An other great project i backed is “
Blocks Watch”. They made an excelent example on how accountability with respect to the cummunity have to look like. They are answering questions
every 2-3 Days in an excelent QA Style. They also take the inputs from the community to make the product a better one.
I miss above all transparency!
This will be my election campaign motto.
I totally agree with you @Vastar !
@james: thank you
let me start with a lot of questions …
Last but not least …
I think we - the EA backers - are like Sony customers/shareholders of B< and you have an accountability to us!
Please excuse my directness