If you are joking you should start use “emoticons” or at least give us a “hint” you don’t mean it like you said it
maybe i don’t get your point but you ALWAYS defend everything the @devs do and i need to ask you the question why ?
let’s face the bitter truth …
- no updates for 4 months
- slowing update cycles over the past year (update cycles should increase, not decrease over time)
- total lack of communication
- a lot of open/uncomplete QA questions in the question appeal started 3 1/2 months ago.
- dying community (fewer posts / topics from week to week)
actually i wanted to wait till the update (that will released this week or at least till the end of the week) before i start questioning the @devs again (we all know i always was for a more transparent communication style) but because you open the “keep calm, it’s done when it’s done” jar again i need to say that IMO this game is on the best way to fall into oblivion (as i said … the bitter truth). i can’t recommend this game to anyone out there at the moment (although I defend it still regularly in the steam review section).
the lack of communication about fundamental game design decisions (i don’t talk about the artwork, i talk about the gameplay mechanics, end-game content and so on) is intolerable for an EA game that said “we want to include the players”. i don’t have the feeling the @devs care about our opinions, worries and fears.
let’s make a small example … we had 1st april a few days ago. an other EA game that i have (the universims) released a super funny april 1st update prank. i know this is little but that are signes that show me a game is still “vital and living”. releasing every 2 weeks some small concept arts (only art and nothing that really “works”) is not a sign of vitality. i like to see things moving and don’t like to hear promises and artworks from photoshop!!!
if you develop a piece of software in corporation with a use-base regular updates + test + acceptance test are a key criteria for success and that’s on of the things that is totally missing here. If you like i quote you the corresponding sections from my university lecturer in project management if you don’t believe in my words.
that’s a completely understandable point and i think (as i said before) it would be good decision for the @devs if they start to communicate ideas instead of hiding them. a lot of other EA games (some of the best) released informations, updates, screenshots on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and even if the community don’t liked everything they saw the @devs got a fast feedback to adjust their development plan and their sprint goals. TBH i’ve totally no idea what we get when this games reaches a final state … from the last “leaked” informations it’s far from what i bought 16 months ago.
Now we understand