Remove the tax sync from the game until it has a function

I agree tax is so stupid in a game…Yes I know people talk disagree…I pay taxes in real life. Why do I play a game that taxes me…where’s my bin collection service or I want sewage connected. Lawns mowed…why are we paying taxes in boundless …lol


… Maybe it is our Diaper Service? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


This is a sticky situation. It would make plausible sense to have the settlement collect a portion of that tax (think local) and then the viceroy (think state) but alas that would start an entirely new holy war and we would probably end up throwing earthyams in a harbor somewhere…


Still better then nothing

This is the best answer. You need coin sink when coin is generated from thin air like footfall and minting from things that can regenerate an infinite number of times.
There is no cap on how much money can exists like in real world (that’s debatable but let’s say, for the sake of argument, in real life the cap for a currency is how much the country has printed + allow banks to virtually create when making loans), that’s why you can’t compare tax in real life to tax in that game.

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Frankly it’s still a terrible game mechanic. The minter only came into the game as a garbage to reduce the over supply in the market which shop owners were complaining that there was too much excess of everything and they weren’t selling anything. The tax function was there long before the minter. It never has had a useful in game function.

Also if players are minting that doesn’t force them them buy from shops or stores. So how does the tax epic help that?

If im paying Tax’s, I want Pants!!


Chaos solution to economic education:

  • All coin taps and sinks neutralized.
    There is now a finite amount of coin in circulation.
  • Redistribution of all coin.
    Everyone has an equivalent amount of coin
  • Watch economy implode.
    As players jostle to secure coin and materials, prices fluctuate to extremes. Many horde piles of cash while others spend everything speculating on return on investment that never comes. Massive wealth inequality grips the player base in a matter of days.
  • ???
  • Profit.
    Player base has new found appreciation for the intricacies of previous economic model.



I like my horde of coin thank you :blush:

Also I guess tax doesn’t bother me since I horde my coin. I can be very frivolous in game with my coin. Even tho I’m not like that IRL lol

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If the buffs are not a coin sink or don’t require coin, then I don’t participate in the economy. I could care less about coin then. I know quite a few more players in the same boat.

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Now i’m picturing a ton of little coins running around with horned helmets and axes lol.

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I’m very confused. If you don’t participate in the economy (apart from buffs), why do you care about tax?

I’m sure most of us have a grip on how healthy economies work. While I don’t agree with getting rid of taxes, I do agree that they could be put to better use.

People were also saying the shop scanner would tank the economy and ruin building. Didn’t happen :wink:


This will never work, there is a reason (without that economy cant work) banks create “virtual” currency when giving a loan.
Can be finite but not fixed and currency needs to be injected into the economy in one way or another and then removed. (when you give back money of your loan the virtual currency is removed from the economy. For the stability of the system, banks only need 10% of the amount they loan, can be another % in some countries)

Has anybody done the maths/hypothetical outcome of how much the economy gets effect when someone quits the game without redistributing their coin?

I know last year I put 450k in a basket and it regened (intentionally) when I took a break.

Because right now I do participate in the economy to fund the buffs…and the tax does currently effect me.

That’s intended game design (and needed to have a healthy economy), what’s the problem?

Fair enough!

Let’s see if we can find a way to solve this issue then :slight_smile:

First off, do you agree that the game needs a coin sink, to avoid hyper inflation? (be it tax or any other way)

Its designed to not work. I guess the meme format and /s flag did not adequately convey that this solution is tongue-in-cheek humor intended to convey that the best way to educate a player base on how well an existing economic model works is to let them experience a deeply flawed system.

In short- the economic model currently in use works as intended and does not need reform- despite complaints to the contrary.


do these coin sinks really matter when we have a Minter and can just mint enough to buy whatever we want ?