Couldn’t say, last Square game I played was back in the 90’s when they were still Squaresoft. Was called Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars for the SNES.
Edit: Lootboxes didnt exist in those days
Couldn’t say, last Square game I played was back in the 90’s when they were still Squaresoft. Was called Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars for the SNES.
Edit: Lootboxes didnt exist in those days
I agree, it’s really frustrating seeing reviews mentioning the “loot boxes” in a negative light.
I think the way our rewards are delivered should be changed, because lootboxes have such a bad name in the gaming community that someone could see it and instantly be turned away.
Because let’s face it, if someones browsing steam for a new game to play (exactly how I found Boundless) and comes across Boundless and does some research then sees lootboxes, they could just move on and continue their search.
So definitely a good point you made there
PS. I understand the reason for our not-lootbox-boxes is to get a greater satisfaction from opening something and seeing the rewards fly out, but maybe a different design
Funny you reply, I was just thinking it’s up to players to advertise this game and show that it’s something worth getting into, youtube and twitch are like the main sources people use to decide whether or not to get a game, that and reviews of course.
It’s obvious the game is underpopulated, making it underfunded, so I guess it kinda is up to content creators to bring a game into relevance, cause I don’t think Square wants to spend money on advertising.
Which to my mind is odd. Why advertise something that is already popular? Like movies, I saw more ads for the Avengers Endgame movie than I ever did for Aladdin. I see more ads for toothpaste than I’ve ever seen for floss. And yet one should definitely floss! More ads for chewing gum and breath mints than toothpaste!
More money thay goes into something, the more it spends on advertising, problem is, Square isn’t raking in the money from Boundless cause either people refund the game after seeing it is “p2w” or don’t stay long enough to spend money on cubits/gleam club.
Square needs to get people in the door first and keep em there, an no one wants to enter a restruant with a flood of people leaving the front door with an upset look on thier faces.
Absolutely, so it is up to the players and content creators to spread the word more! How though? Most of us have done what we have the ability to. I’d love to talk with Square or the devs about marketing… or be a content creator myself
We don’t work for Boundless, Wonderstruck, nor the Square Enix Collective…therefore we have no idea what kind of contract was signed or what kind of agreement they have.
It’s not p2w. Just because you buy a few cubits to get a cute tattoo or a few plots, doesn’t win you anything. Empty plots don’t get prestige - you still have to play the game & build on the plots to get anything from them.
The quotes are there to signify that it’s actually not p2w, unless i miss my guess. @majorvex
Though you do have a point we are shooting in the dark here. The only thing we have to go on is year old info, from someone who isnt with the company anymore.
we know that but you got to look at it form a new player perspective they just start the game see’s one of the core gameplay systems “plots” is needed to do things then less then a hour after that see’s that you can buy more of that core gameplay with real money in a game that is mostly adversted has a building game to be able to buy the thing you need to keep your build is like being able to buy guns in a gun game. at this point they dont know about footfall or prestage just the fact that they can kind of “skip” the leveling process in that aspect
Correct, but when the steam charts show a peak of 200 players, I could only assume that a whole team isn’t getting a good salary to pump out a lot of work. But you’re right, we don’t know, we can only guess.
Yes, I know this, I put it in quotations because I am implying that that is how new players might perceive it, you and I both know it’s not p2w, but that doesn’t mean that’s not what new players see.
Woooooo circles!
How can we change the presentation? Especially in the early game
I hear you & I promise I do get the point, but I just can’t agree with it.
Every game I play has people saying “p2w”, too many MTX, too many DLC, too hard, too easy, the game is dying, etc. Every. Single. Game. It’s like a weird group-think thing going on. I don’t buy into it at all.
I think the devs mentioned possibly changing the animation at some point - if they do, that’s cool. If not, that’s fine.
Edit to add: you know I personally wish plots weren’t tied to cubits at all and I don’t like people being restricted by the odd beacon/plot system. Especially since this is a building game. -but that’s a different topic/discussion I suppose lol
Same thought as Majorvex on my part.
Although… maybe… I dunno, but I think that if the lootboxes were removed, I wouldn’t care one bit.
I don’t think they bring a lot to the game.
I mean, it does bother me a bit that I have to open a box to get the reward of my level-up. It’s like if in World of Warcraft I had to open a box to get my talent points.
But it’s really bothering me on such a minor level that I don’t care about it.
I think the game has far moooore greater problems than how rewards are presented. ^^
And I also think that a game like Boundless should be Free to play, and put more content in the store, like decorative block recipes. The retail price for a game of that genre is the big barrier which makes it nearly impossible for me to convince anyone to come and play.
Didnt stop minecraft…
Edit: To be fair i am aware that minecraft is old as f, and was one of the first voxel builders. However, it still costs money, but they dont have a levelling system nor were they advertised as an mmo
It’s gonna be a tough thing to do, though I know as players we can help our fellow new players, for example, I have my base set up in Raxxa and I constantly look for new players and try to get them involved and help them out, answer questions, etc.
This is correct, it is a small problem, however, the fact that it is small means we can hone in on it and break it down with easier. It’s much harder to tackle a big problem then a lot of little problems.
I can certify to you that Minecraft is also pirated like crazy. ^^
Minecraft has Microsoft behind them now & you can buy skins & themes. Huge $$$ store.
Yes, now they do. But they did not in the beginning. And how old is it exactly? 7-8 years?
Thing is about minecraft, it had a huge following before it was monetized so heavily.
Minecraft started out just like any other game. It gained a great following because you could do anything you want. Lets not forget it was made originally by one guy.
(Minecraft was also free once in the beginning stages, and it has moments where it is free)