Removing Unnecessary Epics

:clap::clap::clap: That was beautiful. I donā€™t recall ever seeing any posts before about increasing character stats over time, except in ideas to overhaul the whole skill system.

Combine ESO where you use skill points on skills til level 50 then champion points (I think thatā€™s the term) to increase base stats til like level 800, with the real Elder Scrolls titles where stats leveled by using them. Always feels nice when every action you make increases xp in some way, even running.

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How about some kind of account-bound progress for these things, though?

Here's a comparison to World of Warcraft to get my point across

In recent years, to fly in the new zones, you first gotta complete a challenge (exploring the zones, doing the main quests, grinding the reputations) and once thatā€™s done, you unlock flying on all your characters in these zones.
To unlock the world quests, you gotta be ā€˜friendlyā€™ with the reputations of the expansion, and once youā€™ve unlocked them, the ā€˜friendlyā€™ requirement thing is not needed for alt characters.
Thereā€™s a long scenario to do to unlock something, you do it once, and on an alt, you can get the quest, talk to the NPC and most of the time, thereā€™s a dialogue option ā€œI already know this storyā€, and the game will skip the scenario.

That kind of thing. Alt-friendly mechanics to not have to grind the same things on all characters.
The advantage of the current system is that if you make an alt and you donā€™t need Mass Craft or Portals, you can take the Epic Chisel first as soon as itā€™s available.


Iā€™ve seen some people manage to play with only using one character but they do absolutely no hunting- so there are some ways around it. And in my opinion the Alts are some of the better part of the game, it really lets me keep whole inventories separate and keep my farmer with all the farming supplies and my hunter with all the weapons. that way when i switch guys iā€™m already all loaded out and ready to go.


Thatā€™s just not for me. I do everything with my one. Build, farm, hunt, below ground miner, and above ground miner. Those are my sheets. Just a few tweaks and extra skill points would make them a bit easier to use.

I absolutely love this conceptā€¦ tied to the feats (to make them useful). Super hard to achieve and give you a bit of an edge but not game breaking and something to really show off.

Great idea.


I think ur wrong on all three counts. Big difference from warp distance to creating. Chisel gives u more options and mass crafting is the best way to make big quantities to get profit from selling. Iā€™m sure u know what they all do. But why get rid of them. 3 diff ways to put more coing in ur pockets

Donā€™t understand the coin thing, but I believe we should make them universal. That way we can use the points for other options. I donā€™t care about coin.

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I dont need coin that bad either but I do know a few people that help other open portals for coin. But yes agree to some extent. But honestly 5 tabs I have everything I need

Oh. I see what you mean.

Iā€™m generally against removing options and choices from the Talent/skill system. I really like being able to customize characters abilities deeply. I can however make some concessions here.

I think that could be a fair compromise. But then what about other utility epics? like the glow epic, or arguably double jump?

So, I am in 100% on board with the removal chisel epic, it was confusing when I was a new player since there were precise chisels and It took me some searching here on the forums to find out why I couldnā€™t use it.

Opening portals epic removal/level based, Iā€™m less behind. I just think that perhaps more skills about being able to ā€œengineerā€ portals would fit, and make it seem less niche is the better solution.

Mass craft, is one I am both ok with, and one I donā€™t care if they left it as it is. It is clearly understood by new players (the grayed out crafting tells you point blank what you need). If they wanted to make it, hey you get it at level 10, I would be 100% ok with that.

I do not want ā€œunlimitedā€ skill points, I like the system and the choices it makes you make. I do agree that the chisel epic is a bit silly, it would make more sense if all chisels were created equal and we unlocked the ability to turn on/off precise hits but with the current chisels I think it is unnecessary to force the 5 skills off our characters.

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What about just a higher point ceiling? Overall Iā€™m fine with the current system and just like discussing ways to improve it, but one thing that I find annoying is that I can almost optimize my main page for both building and mining, and can almost optimize my ā€œhunterā€ page (really just a survivor page) for max defense and health, yet to go to an exo I have to start on my 3rd (letā€™s call it potpourri) page to be able to open warps, make sure 15 mins has passed before switching to my survivor page when I get there to gather stuff safely, then again have to wait 15 mins before I can mine. 20 points on each page go to atmosphere protection. 10 more skills points would keep me happy forever.

Thatā€™s why I suggested a cap change to solve the almost.

Rage 5point and the other do people use these instead of armour I find it worthless

I agree with @Vansten I think more things should be level based.

Everyone level 50 should be able to warp to any distance, survive on any planet as far as protections, open portals and chisel/masscraft IMO.


@DutchOfSorissi u do know u can change tabs anytime in ur own beacon right? Sry never seen ur name idk if ur new

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Haha heā€™s an OG


No prob. Bout to be a level 300 and had almost 600 unused skill points. Figured since we need some minor improvements we might as well use some of these skill points. I have all five of my sheets maxed out.

@Kingzekiel marry me? Or at least come check out my base and show me urs. Lol I bet ur main base kick my butt lol. We should exo mine the umbris that @Leahlemoncakes drops

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Most MMOs require you to use multiple characters to achieve an ending goal to add difficulty to a game if you remove limits there is no point in playing a game because you can make a character that can literally become unstoppable. To prevent someone from being invincible they limit stuff. It adds the thrill in MMOs on learning what is best for the person as a playstyle. Take Diablo 3 for example they have classes that have certain abilities to overcome certain areas easier than other classes. If you remove the classes then there wouldnā€™t be a thrill of playing it.

I do agree they should at least add more skill pages at least to use more skill points that you canā€™t spend.