Removing Unnecessary Epics

I only need to do that when traveling to an exo. Pretty isolated issue for me as I don’t go very often so it’s not a big complaint, just could be better.

Nice to meet you :wave::wink:

If your name indicates you’re from PA we could be neighbors…

They should just add a class system so say I want my main to be a Builder he would start off with innate Builder abilities and then wouldn’t have to worry about using skill points for those abilities his main class gives him such as the Chiseling Epic maybe .

I just say increase the limit a bit. Or per level:
Level 100=100 Point Cap
Level 200=105 Point Cap
Level 300=110 Point Cap

And so forth.

Oh nice to meet you as well. I live on Alder. Kasai & Kori is my settlement. I own the Nani! Tool & Forge shop.

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Lol. Marry u?

I don’t know… The 100point cap feels good with level 50 being the “max level”

I have 3 pages that “survive” exo’s… only one can open the warp (my stealth gatherer), which I then use to explore / gather for 15min then switch to either hunting or mining, if I need to do one of those things instead of gather. I realize that not everyone puts that many points into atmosphere protections on that many pages, I’m just saying it can be done. I guess I might just “settle” for less “optimal” pages that get the job done rather than fret about it feeling as good as it can on non exo worlds. :man_shrugging:

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But you go past level 50. Look at the umbris box when you level up. It will tell you your level.

The entire skill tree needs to change in some way. Increasing the skillpoint cap just makes the current balancing go sideways and doesn’t fix the problems that relate to armor, mobs or additional professions. It just creates a bandaid fix that pushes the problem down the road.

My fix was to have seperate combat classes to create more diverse combat, and have all of the life skills and crafting be seperate. This way combat classes can max allowing the devs to balance them against eachother and create meaningful choices while not putting a cap on crafting. This also allows them to create real challenges in combat without automatically murdering all the gatherers.


Yes you go past 50, but 50 is considered “max level” still. the other levels are just 50+ (I know it does track the actual numbers within the game files and the reward coffers, but it only displays level 50+ normally).

What if I want to be a combat builder though? like the people who build up “defensive structures” during hunts? Or I want better building skills when building on level 6 planets, and I have to fight off wild life?

That’s just an example that would be harder to do if they made “classes” versus the current “Classless” system.

edit: to clarify, I agree the current system needs refinement, and changes. I just don’t have good feelings towards true “classes” being the direction.


Engineer class? I am in.


To clarify, all the current builder stuff would be in with the life skills and always available. I really just want a way to be able to defend myself while mining and building. Having an always active combat class would open building on higher planets to more people.

hmm… that feels like it would invalidate one set of skills or the other. if something is always available it no longer feels very special.

The current system (in spite of its flaws) has a fair number interesting combinations that can make finding a build that works for you fun (in my opinion). If I always have all my building/character growth skills, and have my combat skills, I’ll probably end up playing with skills less and possibly even play less varied types of game-play. That min-max style of optimization the classless offers is so interesting to me that it has encouraged me figuring out how to get as much as I can in each of my available skill pages.


I can see where you are coming from, I just view it differently. I don’t really find the current setup limiting, but all of my setups are either pure combat, have shadow epic for gathering, or are for crafting. I just switch skill sets constantly. I can do everything, it just takes me 10 seconds to switch characters. I feel the current system doesn’t really make us make choices, it just makes you spend an extra 30 minutes leveling an alt if you want to do something new.

Edit: To further clarify, the skills are currently far more limiting to the developers than to us.


They should just remove skill caps. You’d still have to chose between axes and hammers, brews and pies, etc. etc. etc. and you’d still have to have a bajillion skill points to pull it off.

How does it break the game exactly if your miner has good health…? AND the ability to (Oh no, dare I speak it?) bake pies?

Remember, there are no skill caps in that game that rhymes with Minecraft. And they seem to be doin just fine.


I think anyone that’s been around for awhile & can say “I have 5+ alts that are all level 50+” might not be in the majority group of players. Yes, we know it’s easy to level up & and just make another alt to switch to. The current skill system is more akin to an MMORPG instead of a sandbox imo.

There are some “skills” that should be a default character ability once obtained imo. All of the alts/characters need those abilities and they do take up a few spaces that are more important for the overall character build: jump, portal opening, luck, etc.

Or once you reach a certain level (50?) you receive the ability to make a permanent across-all-characters points page for those things?


I like having a little bit of customization.

Also just to throw it out there. Pretty much every MMO worth its salt lets you buy respec potions/tokens for in-game currency.

Putting respecs behind what is essentially a paywall discourages players from having fun and messing around with skill pages. It reduces fun. And I doubt that WS makes much selling respecs :wink:


Which talent, besides the chisel epic, is useful for a builder but not for a fighter?

Now, your argument would work better for a combat crafter, but I can’t for all that’s Oort find a reason why that would be useful. How many centraforger do you need during a hunt? :slight_smile:

I can build just fine on T5 and even T6 planets. You just need all points in all the stealth talents, situational awareness, and small shelter with a portal to reset the mobs. :slight_smile:


Yup, you can build there but its how you are doing it that points to balance issues. Situational awareness is important, but the use of the other two equates to what is usually referred to as cheese mechanics. I use them as well, but it feels really bad in my opinion. Unfortunately, it’s not worth doubling or tripling the amount of time to do anything else.