Removing Unnecessary Epics

Without the economy, the grand strategy element of the game goes poof to boot.

That and the commute would suck (re: all the things on one character in one place at a time).

Those 20 points could solve a lot of problems that players feel pressure to come up with solutions for:

To let understanding stop at what cannot be understood is a high attainment. Those who cannot do it will be destroyed on the lathe of heaven.

Somehow I’m finding the balance realllllly nice, so this is absolutely my own subjective experience that I’m coming from.

This topic comes up all the time some don’t mind the way things are some would like a complete over haul some want something in between.

My idea is leveling should increase your health stamina and various other things.

Get rid of all the epics have a way for your character to naturally skill up talents

tool use
*the list goes on

Upon character creation pick 1 kind of extreme environment your character will be able to survive in. All the rest will require wearable armor to protect you. This would make more sense with different races but work with what we have is fine.

They are increasing to maximum skill points in the next update

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This was an older thread that was made before the skill point changes were announced. It got a bump on accident because I needed to move a post to a thread with a similar title - I clicked the wrong one. My bad.


Meh, you still pretty much close to perfect everywhere else :wink:

365 points to house Hufflepuff


Wow. Interesting

What ive read. You are like me.
Playing just 1 character.

For me i think this update is bad and good.


  • 1character can learn everything on 1 skill Page.
    So basically you dont have to even swap skill pages after this.


  • xp cap For this update after level 50 is now much more than before (200k ish previously.) if i remember right it was like 3 million xp.
    Gaining plots might be difficulty if you are not doing any good xp activities.
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You will NEVER take my purple loot!

*scurries back into cave, hissing with arms full of armor*


I mean I was fine with the skill sheets. Just felt I needed like 10 more points to my max sheet. And that I can switch sheets in any beacon I own. Not just home. And possibly switch in any Beacons I was given permissions to. I feel this update may break the market even further.