Removing Unnecessary Epics

There is a reason why I put the word „We“ in bold, I am obviously referring to group content,

We as in a group,

Not I as in solo,

As a group we barely survive. We are fine. Just need more options. If an animal can one hit us, and don’t get me started with a group of wildstock shiver, we are pretty even.

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There is a difference between having to make choices and being unable. We are currently unable to create the build we want. Unable. *


Where are you hunting meteors? The hardest places?

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If we get nerfed, Oort will go way up in price. Boundless has a very strong choose your adventure sandbox to it; there’s all sorts of ways to make things more difficult – find a group that wants the same challenges you seek and I’m sure you can get yourselves wiped out.

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Doesn’t removing epics in general change the aspect of the player driven economy because just 1 person can do everything no matter what? I have 5 pages a hunter, forger/crafter, miner/exo portal user, RR hunter, and farmer. They all share certain aspects. I don’t have a “Baker” so I need to use the economy to buy food which helps people purchase other things if they don’t have a hunter or a miner. If everyone can do everything we need no shops or player driven economy or player/guild run portals.


There is also time, efficiency and fun. I tend to buy things I don’t enjoy to farm myself (Oort), I don’t enjoy to collect 1 trillion different ingredients (XP pie) or I don’t want to invest the time to learn how to do it (how many latice chisels do I need?).

Being able to do everything our self, in a game where everything takes hours, is the least of this economies problem, in my opinion.

Shopping should be one possible option to acquire something, not enforced because of artificial enforced limitations. I think that part works really well in the game.

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Right if you don’t have the “time” to do everything why remove “epics” from the tree? Yes the game has issues but removing the constants and letting everyone do everything makes no sense. Isn’t that just a modded game? Or a single player not shared universe game?

I could live in a 1 plot hut and warp anywhere make anything no matter what or where I live. I guess it’s a good thing they are doing a create a verse so you can just have what you want and not worry about playing in a community perse

I’ve seen a 20 player group wipe to a T7 meteor :woman_shrugging: Some of the exotic combinations make the mobs impossible to damage without a max forged setup. I’m not saying they should be possible to kill with a copper bow, but I don’t think we’re OP on T7’s, I’m a bit afraid what T8’s will look like with the current balance.


So, because your take on MMO is to only use one char, means that we all should get nerfed in our specializing choice by removing some perks that you cant reach??

I like the concept of specialization that somewhat force players to cooperate and make new friends, as its an MMO after all, not a solo game.

I dont use Chisel or Portal Epic. But it doesnt mean other players dont too. Why nerfing other player playstyle just because YOU decided to stuck to only one char and/or dont want to socialize with other players?

Mass crafting epic wasteful?? As a miner, i find it REALLY useful on my crafting alt (or i could say 2nd skill page dedicated to craft). And its a necessary skill for any shop owner to get the most of ressources. So because you dont use it you would ask to cripple a lot of the crafter players outhere? Be ready for a huge increase in shop prices then… (I’d even pay skillpoints for a “mass machine filling” button based on what you have in inventory, as clicking 40*30 times to process stone is really tedious buts thats out of topic, or give me conveyors! ^^)

I dont say the current skillpoint is perfect, but nerfing players options is ALWAYS a bad idea to me, as it increase boredom or frustration, thus leading to leaving players. And we cant say Boundless doesnt need more players, actually its quite the opposite, more players would be better for everyone.

My 2 cents…


Yeah, I would love an expansion of mass craft, so that you can put in a max number of jobs with one click.

out of curiosity how many level 7 exo hunts have you been on? When I went with a group of 25-30ish we lost at least two of those.

I’m not saying to get rid of those epics but to have them as a passive skill. You don’t have to buy them. They are a part of your character’s natural mechanics.

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I agree with you on shopping. People are gonna sell things anyway cause we always need coin. I would still go out and buy things even if I could make them myself. I’m lazy like that. Lol.


I would agree if not for alts. We really are capable of doing everything ourselves, just with speed bumps.

If I was allowed 10-20 more skill points though, it’d go straight to the athletic skills and attributes. I love double jump combined with high jump but no longer have it on any skill page or alt, but then you kinda need fall protection on top of that. And I wish my main had a little more stamina and healing speed. That’s all for comfort and saving small amounts of time here and there.

I think if they bumped it to 120 skill points the only change is that we’d all be a little happier :grin:


It needs to be established that with skill pages and alts, there is no specialization from player to player.

It’s like I’m playing Boundless then want to make myself dinner, I have to change into different clothes first. Somehow those clothes weigh me down so I walk slower and I’m out of breath quicker. Somehow my arms don’t reach as far and they’re also weighed down. Then I need to change back into my gaming clothes or I’m incapable of picking my controller up. The next morning I get up and get ready for work but I have to change into my breakfast preparing clothes then into my driving clothes then into my work clothes when I get there.

I think we naturally specialize for time and interest. I’m capable of making teaching pies with my alt but I don’t feel like it so I buy them. If I had all those skills on my main, I wouldn’t find gathering on high tiers any more fun or worth my time and I’d still buy them.


:thinking: We def don’t need to be nerfed :no_entry_sign:


Isn’t this only true if there was an unlimited amount of time to play and everyone liked doing everything equally? The real limitation for us all is time, and what we find enjoyable.

Multiple alts / skill pages that allow one player to experience each aspect of the game is effectively the same as one character that allows the same thing.

Since the majority of long term players can do whatever they like, and the economy is stable, then maybe these two things have little to no effect on each other.


Since this is another topic about the limitations of character progression, here’s the usual link :slight_smile:

Character Progression Suggestions