🎨 Rental Planet Colors


If renting planets = more colors for everyone, and people have the ability to rent planets, then people will rent planets. Who cares how many they rent?

If devs don’t want this to happen, then getting new colors this way shouldn’t be a possibility.


The idea of limiting you have is currently easily worked around by the fact that you can make 100 steam accounts and access Boundless from the steam game library of the primary account.

You can also make however many PSN accounts and access Boundless from the main purchasing account. (max PSN accounts on same PS4 can play Boundless if one account has purchased it)

In effect, it would be much more work for the player, but if committed to cycling, it’s still quite doable, after all the world just needs to be unlocked for everyone to gain access.

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Maybe when we get Souvereign Worlds 2.0 :sunglasses: :+1:

Seems like it would hurt the devs more this way. I can say if it was like this I wouldn’t even bother renting a single one any time soon. I’d wait till the exact colors I want are available instead of renting any before that time.


I would say the best way to address this is to let players have control to start with instead of making the selection pure RNG and creating some complex system to try and prevent it. If you want to stop most players from getting and dropping works then let them get what they want the first time.


Yeah, it does kinda look bad. Like people will be paying irl $$$ to spin a gambling wheel to see what colors they may get and it might not be what they’re hoping for. At least with most season passes, DLCs, skins, etc…you know which ones you’re getting.
Some people like paying for RNG :thinking::unamused:

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apparently full 100% control of what you get can upset the balance planned for the public live universe (there is a certain idea, don’t matter if you agree with it or not, behind how resources and block colors are introduced/made available and it might be turned upside down by letting a bunch of fully customized worlds join the universe)

I’m not advocating for limitations here, however… I could see and respect a sensible limitation like, say, 10 active planets per account (same as characters.) The planets would then have to run a 30 day rental cycle before being taken offline if not renewed. At that point a player could decide what to keep or delete and purchase new rentals as they see fit following the same guidelines. IMO, one planet at a time is just too limiting (again, if we must even have limits in the first place…)

I can agree that something should probably be in place that would prevent purchase & delete / rinse & repeat planet-cycling ‘abuse’. Only if the developers deem such actions would actually be harmful to the game, that is.

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That’s the gut reaction quite a few seemed to have initially. Whether it is the intent or not, the perception is certainly there. They’re busy working on the system though so we will just have to wait until they have time to give us more info and details, as they stated already. Until then, we’ll speculate for all sorts of great things and bad things :slight_smile:

I see it this way:

  1. we pay money to play Boundless (the initial price and for some GC after) and we agree to the constraints imposed by the game (progression and skill system, types of worlds, environmental challenges, availability of resources and block colors etc.); there is entire system of random world generation and we manage the universe we get that way (it’s not all fully random - we do know we will have starting worlds and then several higher tier and then exo appearing here and there; we also know general limits within which each type of world is created - be it its atnosphere type, available resources or color palette possible)
  2. we pay extra to get sovereign world (or worlds) - and it’s totally acceptable to have limits placed on them too, as they need to fit in the universe we all play in, and follow this universe constraints; what we get is control over who visits and/or build on sovereign worlds we pay for, getting a peace of mind and safety in our building, crafting and exploring/gathering/hunting endeavors; we can also pick a name for a world we rent and (I’m sure of that) we will also get more control over some aspects like lava/water or general climate and terrain type; there will be random aspect to any sovereign world generation and it’s ok

Personally, I’m saving my money until then.

I just want to add… my statement of saving my money until later is not threatening the devs nor holding them to ransom in any way. I just don’t see the value for money (even though we don’t know what the price point is yet) in the current sovereign world implementation and where my expectations are currently set.


And this is the real point, the developers need to flat out state what the motivation is to the limits they want to place on Sovereign Planets. They also need to be clear on if any color is possible or if there is some algorithm that is going to prevent certain colors from spawning on certain tiers of planets. Until then it is all supposition by players. And quite frankly a lot of doomsday projections by some players if their precious rare colors are not protected.


Everyone will be happy with the limited colors. No big deal. :blush::thinking:


He means the color rarity people. Not the people who want specific colors.

Still think people should be worried more about the metals, gem, coal market than they should the Color market. But that’s just my opinion


Maybe even more specifically, the people who believe the rarity market is the only way they can make their easy money.


Please elaborate. Why?
Players can obtain these items at anytime almost anywhere, including Exos.
No Exos, so scratch that.


You don’t think it’ll take a hit from more of those resources being around and not walled off by people? Bunch of fresh non plotted planets ripe for the plucking. And you’re talking more than just one exo here and there as there’s bound to be 10 new planets when this hits live.

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I think everything has to adapt each time a new perm planet or Exo comes into existence. Or each time a whale walls things off, makes big purchases, makes big sales…

As the game grows, and there are more players, they will also have an effect on everything since there will be more sellers, more items being sold, etc.


rentals are t1-6, resources are infinite, generated the same way, still takes the same amount of time and effort to get them

I agree everything needs to adapt. Personally I couldnt care less if that market takes a dive. Means goods crafted from them will go down and I’ll have to do less crafting lol. But I also feel the same way about the color market too. Things change and adapting needs to happen. Can’t cling onto something forever