Rental worlds are needed ASAP

Incorrect as far as I know. Rental planets WILL be connected to the main universe if the world has mostly the same rules as public planets.

What’s the point of paying for a planet if it’s just another public planet like we already have now?

This is the sole reason I want to rent my own planet, completely the same as any other public planet EXCEPT people will need to actually ask me first before they can put a beacon down…


That’s the point though, none of us know, and it’s being left to interpretation, and naturally everyone is interpreting in the way they see is the most benefit to them, or what they think is fair, or what they think is best for the game, etc.


Well, honestly, I’m not sure where I got the info from and since info on this is rather scarce it’s very difficult to go search for it.

Logically tho this interpretation I and many others have makes the most sense:
Why pay for a rental world if you have no say over it whatsoever?
(when you want to connect to rest of universe)

If this won’t be possible I doubt many people will even rent one…

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I feel like I’m one of the ones that may be the biggest advocate for rental worlds. The little bit info we have available suggests there are two way the worlds would work. Anything that modifies the core files itself, take ARK server for example where we would manipulate gather rates/farming rates/exp rates etc… these servers would be inaccessible to the public worlds. Rightly so as it gives those servers a supposed unfair advantage. I agree but at the same time this is exactly how I plan to run my servers if they are released as previously described. I will be able to create a user designed experience for how I feel Boundless should be played and those who enjoy the way I set things up would play as well.

Some people see this as bad for Boundless itself. In my opinion, that’s just foolish. Anything that enables the sale of more game clients is a great things. Many of the changes/additions in ARK were ideas that came from private worlds upon seeing the ongoing population those servers maintained compared to the official servers.

Then you have the other version of servers they have described where you basically have control of the world and who accesses it but it maintains contact to the official worlds.

In no way do I see the game being worse off because of the introduction of rental servers. The game can only grow as a result of it. Sure some population may be shes initially but IME with these types of open world games with this much creativity in them, once you allow the players to explode their creativity it tends to be like a population wave.

I get that completely.

My interpretation of the information available is that if you want to control who comes and goes on a planet then that planet will be private and not connected to live, but that’s just my interpretation.

Let’s say that it works the way you are hoping, how would plotting work?

Would the person paying for the planet still have to purchase plots to plot the planet?

I would think that was a bit off, asking to pay for a planet but then having to use plots on a planet I’m paying for?

@AeneaGames (btw, this isn’t aimed at you, but just using it as a sounding board really, so please don’t take it personally!) You have said before that you would assume that anyone can enter the planet and collect resources, but just not plot (I think?)

So what would stop someone plotting the whole of the rented world (if we assume the renter does not have to purchase plots for their own planet) and completely restricting access or gathering etc in that manner?

I just can’t quite see how it would work!

Edit: I see the part in James post about controlling access, but that doesn’t necessarily mean controlling where people plot, and still doesn’t stop potentially plotting the whole planet.

It would be great if it could be done without making paying for a planet P2W, or paying for resources, etc.

This is what I’ve thought of as the plan but I’m not sure if this is the most recent iteration published to us.

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That’s pretty much it! Though it seemed like the last time they made a comment on it self hosted seemed to be out the picture though that’s what I am still hoping for.

Every plot complaint post boils down to this same issue. One player thinks more land is theirs than actually is.

In this case the player believes plotting x% of a mine somehow signals to other players not to plot the remaining (1-x%) of the mine. It doesn’t. No one even knows what defines the edges of a mine. No one following an atlas deep underground knows what the plot situation is like on the surface.

Why not buy more plots to solve the issue? They cost either $0.18 USD or 1,337c each. I don’t think rental worlds are going to be cheaper than that, not the ones attached to the public universe anyway. They have to be priced competitively with cubits to avoid P2W.

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This would honestly be the preferred fix.

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Should be easy fix too.

my 2 cents i think at this point the devs could come out and say “All rental worlds will not be connected to the main world” and it would not make a diff to anyone most people at this point are ready to abandon the main shard and just leave it for people who cant afford rental worlds.

Edit re reading i shod have sayed i think and not would (implying that im speaking for the playerbase rather then my thoughts on the matter )

I wouldn’t rent a world that can’t connect to to main universe. What would the point of that be? The interconnectedness of everything was the big draw to Boundless for me.

I mainly want a rental planet to ease some of the drama around plotting and reserving spots to build on.


I think people plotting the best hotspots ruins mining. A planets resources just decline after a while and then people want new planets

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I plan to bring this trend up with James the next time I can talk with the developers. I kind of mentioned it last time but didn’t have enough time to get into it. It really is disturbing that this is happening.

I personally think that the new temp worlds will help some with this but overall it really is griefing people and this part of the game play needs to stop.

I think rental worlds are still at least a few months out at best. Temp worlds were the start of being able to offer worlds that could come and go and be connected to the universe… but there is a whole infrastructure behind the rental part that I don’t believe is coded yet.

I would suggest you mention the actual locations if you can and if you see a beacon report it for blocking…


I’ve detailed why people would not want their worlds connected but I’ll do a brief summary again.

Boundless is a great game. But it’s not Boundless yet. Once they open up personal worlds/servers/self hosting the game will truly be Boundless.

There are a lot of people that play Boundless that want it to be easier to gather (ie: gather more at one time, not just more spawn nodes). Those same people still want a notch of difficulty added. Letting the players have control of how strong mobs are and how resistant to damage they are lets the player base control that degree of difficulty. Likewise giving us access to manipulating the world atmospheres will also allow for the added complexity. Maybe we want tier 7 atmospheres with low tier mobs. Maybe vice versa. The options here truly are the core of Boundless.

Right now Boundless caters to a very specific player. You seem to fall in to that target demographic. I definitely see the game exploding once they take the limitations off and let us rent and/or self host servers and modify the game files to our liking and play styles.

I view the current iteration of Boundless a very basic template.

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Like I said that would make no sense whatsoever, so if your idea of it is correct I will NEVER pay for a rental planet… And I do believe the devs do know this because I’m not the only one who thinks like this…

So if they are tired of working on Boundless and want to move on to another project, this is the way to do it :wink:

Yes, would work the same as always otherwise you can plot the entire planet.
And no, that is not ‘a bit off’, you are paying rent for the planet to be there and you can set some rules for it but HOW we plot is not one of them. If you want to change thaat sorta then yes, it will not be connected to the rest of the universe…

  1. I am not assuming that because, to me, it would be nonsensical for the person paying to suddenly not follow the rules of normal plotting
  2. if they plot it themselves there will no regen so what would be even the point of someone wanting to do that? not for gathering/mining purposes…

Again, am 99.9999999999% sure the renter can restrict plotting access and still be connected to the universe AND I’m 100% sure that normal plotting rules will apply.

If they don’t the devs will have plenty of time for new projects! :joy:

Then we all need to go finding new hotspot everytime we want to go mine? No more portals to mining spots, etc.?

Ehhh, would change a lot more for the players then you realise!

I call BS, because most people I’ve seen talking about it, me included, would NOT want rental planets like that!

I run a market and several shops, if my rental planet is not connected to the universe who is going to buy my stuff?

I’m currently working on a new bigger workshop, if no one is buying my stuff I really don’t need a bigger one, a smaller one even would be good enough.

What would there left for me to do in game?
And no one to share it with…

Gee, how appealing!

As an important member of the #1 guild dedicated to connecting the universe together, I really just don’t see how you can say things like this.


I’m not a fan of public mines so it doesn’t impact me you are right.

My reasoning for roving hotspots is the nostalgia it brings up from the original Star Wars galaxies. Having to hunt for the hotspots and find a new one when the old dry up was 90% of the fun.

But you are right. Those that do not like the hunting for materials mechanic and prefer to take a public gate to a place that never changes just defend so therefor a guaranteed haul, yes those people would definitely be impacted.

The bigger problem here to me is that miners/gatherers have no real identity. Everyone goes to the same generic areas and just waits for refreshes. As someone who prefers mining/gathering over building and crafting, that makes the way I like to play very boring and bland.

All of this could be fixed once we get private/self hosted servers :laughing: