Resource showing colors for blocks and material for each world

There was a site or resource that would show the colors of the blocks for all worlds. Does anyone remember what that is?

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Edit to add: you can search for a specific color item and it will tell you which planets have it including sovereigns


never seen this before but this is great. thanks

There are several great resources for world info and color. as mentioned,


Thanks. Really wish these were stickied on a forum post somewhere. Would be easier for returning players like myself or even new players.

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I think part of the challenge is that player created resources like this can sometimes come and go. These ones have been around for awhile but there used to be other websites that have disappeared :disappointed: Somebody would have to monitor a sticky post to make sure links didn’t become stagnant.

Trying to google this stuff is a PITA. I usually start with “boundless game + [keywords]” but it’s very hit or miss. The top search results tends to be the forum but it’s often a discussion of things rather than an actual resource or answer to my needs. And that’s if I’m lucky. Other times, you just get random search results for things not related to the game at all.

No wonder new player retention is low. People can’t find answers to things!

You mean like this? :boundless: Boundless Links & Info

There are different forum categories you can actually browse instead of just always viewing the default one to find things:


Leave it to Vex :tada::grin:

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Yes! I tried browsing by other views but couldn’t find it.