Ridiculous Roads

The expansion is odviously not the issue? The abrupt manner on how it was done surprised some players… One of them had no other choice but to move, normally Aquatopia has move at a comfortable pace while they get more people. Instead of "I have this long road, come settle’. What may happen is ultimately, people may, but the castle or Outpost crossed maybe be forced in again by beacons from your new residents. Possibly look at the events that occurred

A problem in Moebius Plaza

This is not that much different in my opinion. A player(s) doing what they do within the game parameters because they can. Whether you can do it doesn’t make it good or bad This guys actions could, and possibly would have been accepted differently if had take a different approach (inform the community) ask for permission. What has happened here is basically the same, a group has done something that other players don’t find agreeable. Do I believe it was done on ill intend to become capital? No, do I think it negatively impact people? Yes. As you read the thread those are our thoughts and opinions on this road, if you decide to keep it or not. But next time someone does something that you may not agree with you back off if the player(s) agrees to continue with their actions.