Scaffolding!... Scaffolding?

I know there was at least one other topic on here where I read about people who felt discouraged from building on higher-tier worlds because of the amount of time and effort that went into building there; I’ve also spoken to some people who feel this way, too. When building on a Tier 1 world, you can destroy any block in a single hit. If you’re on a Tier 5 or Tier 6 world, and every block can withstand 3, 4, 5, 6 hits?.. Your workload increases exponentially.

As someone currently building on a T6, I’m also aware of one of the other issues that comes from this situation - the need to place blocks just so you can place other blocks. Sometimes I need to create a temporary path, sometimes I need to work on something that’s up in the air, and whenever I do this I have to destroy a significant number of blocks that I would rather not have placed at all. On top of the amount of time and energy involved, it also creates significant wear on my tools.

And so, I propose:


A craftable, low-cost block that can be placed for very little energy, provides no experience for placement or removal, and offers minimal resistance to tools - or, better yet, can be picked up without the use of tools.

Share your thoughts, people.


I like this idea. It’s fairly easy to implement, addresses a specific concern, and doesn’t interfere with existing gameplay.

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Yes! Please! As a dedicated builder, 100% YES!

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What’s your thoughts on how it would/could be picked up without any tools. I usually use sand or any soil blocks as a temporary platform etc when working at height, along with a pair of grapples. One thing I’ve always had to be particularly careful of is not to accidentally hit the block I’m standing on as sand is generally one hit. Plus as you said there is all time and effort needed to remove it all when you’re finished.

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I was just building and needed this the last few days. Great idea :+1:


I would say… a single click with an empty hand, maybe? One hand for placing them, one for scooping them up. This might also mitigate your problem with knocking blocks out from under yourself, as you’d have to be very deliberately placing and/or removing the scaffolding and not using a tool/function that performs any other task.


100% behind the scaffolding idea…and agree w/ ingvar single click w/ empty hand to reclaim


Totem for the win… Breakable in 1 hit…


Bumping this in the hope that it gets some dev love. @Steggs101, what sayest thou?

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I use dirt or leaves, 1 hit to take them down…but neat idea though +1 from me!

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I’m for all from OP and I think totem should be good for that. I proposed that long ago. It was crazy annoying always, especially that you need scaffolding to have some blocks follow certain orientation, there’s no way to rotate them after placement. I’d really love to see some more love towards builders.

One more use: when I build I usually “sketch out” silhouette of the build to see how it will fit surroundings and than change it’s overall volume a few times until I get the feel I’m looking for. I’m not even using final materials at that stage. Scaffolding would be godsend :slight_smile:

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Great idea really something I’d like to see implemented, in the meantime I suggest using leaves exclusively when making scaffolding on tier 5/6 planets, not only for their ease to break but you also pick up a nice amount of fiborus leaves and glossy strawberries when you chop them

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Look up “EvalDraw” and “MagicaVoxel”. Those 2 programs help me SO much with prototyping.


To the folks proposing that I use leaves… I have max Power and the Damage Epic but no Axe skills; if I’m on Alcyon then it still takes me about 6-7 hits with a Copper Axe to remove leaves. Not good.

This is exactly the kind of situation that I’m trying to address with the introduction of some new material.


Great idea. 100% awesome!

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This is probably a dumb question…but why not just use T1 blocks?

Because the blocks take on the planets health stats. T1 blocks have the same armor as t3 blocks when placed on t3 worlds.


Well…that seems silly.

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There is no such thing as a “T1 block”. They don’t exist.

There are rock blocks, foliage blocks, gleam, etc. They all have different properties. The planet determines the health of the blocks, combined with the ‘natural’ stats on the block.

Sounds like that is what needs to change. IMO.