Some suggestions that occurred to me recently, in no particular order, that seemed worth posting:
- some use for skill points after all skill pages are full.
One option would be to convert 'em into cubits. Another option, if converting to cubits seems like too great a benefit, would be to add full respecs / cleanse points that can be bought with the spare skill points to the cubit store. Or perhaps simply change the level coffers so that they stop giving skill points and give extra cubits / cleanse points after the player has the 300 points needed to fill all skill pages, assuming that 3 skill pages will be the maximum and that there are no future plans of allowing more than 100 points per page.
- Smart Stack Filtering
Either a checkbox in the inventory panel, or a setting in the settings menu, to filter the automatic smart stacking to forbid mixing of different stone/wood types, and a separate one to forbid mixing different colors. Preferably (if possible) this should also stop the stacking from occurring when shift-clicking items to/from storage and machinery.
- Seamless glass (no # borders in the middle when using multiple glass blocks side by side).
Since Iāve been told that the main way of doing this would turn it into a mesh, which is apparently undesirable, then three new versions of glass blocks could be added: one with no borders whatsoever, one with a single border, and another with two borders for corners. Then it would just be a matter of placing the desired borders in the correct orientation for whatever border effect the player is going for.
Of course, since thereās no way to select recipes in the furnace, a recipe could be added to the basic crafting table that converts glass from one border type to another. Maybe requiring a high level of decoration crafting to unlock.
Another possibility that could be used either as an alternative to the conversion recipes, or instead of the recipes, would be to have the block changer effect on chisels switch between border types.
(Edit: Adding quick crude mockup for visual representation of no border - one side - corner, respectively, black lines are borders, dotted lines are āclearā glass)
- A new option to the Options tab of beacons that the beacon owner can turn on and off, allowing guild leaders to access the ādestroy beaconā option of a guild-owned beacon that someone else placed. Of course, the plots would be refunded to the actual beacon owner, not to the guild leader.
This would simplify the returning of loaned plots when the person that borrowed 'em no longer needs them, as well as facilitating the reclaiming of areas plotted as a way to reserve for future expansion around cities by guild members that are not playing anymore, instead of the guild having to wait until the beacon expires from lack of fuel.
Any thoughts?