I think they should be a search bar especially for ps4 players, i think pc can scroll through things alot quicker than ps4 but for the following things
accessing the knowledge so you can find what your looking for easier.
when opening the portal to go to a friend or saved location
when using Machines
when looking at recipes in the furnace
I think these search options will help new players and current players alot
What does everyone else think?
I completely agree.
I also think that the knowledge tab could do with some time put into it. The basis and potential for it being really useful is there, but just feels a little incomplete.
Could be sectioned a little better, and every item should have all their recipes. And every item in game should have a link to its info in the knowledge tab.
Not a critical thing, but I think it would help with new players especially.
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Including mass craft aswell - i sometimes check it out when im in my storage so i dont need to run back and fourth to my machines just to see what is needed but i end up taking everything i have just incase
Yes please, this has been the biggest gripe with learning new things from the in-game sources, and when you have a fully specced crafter the crafting lists are annoying too. The quick filters aren’t enough imo. I remember a concept from a while ago which looked really promising if also implemented in the knowledge UI Let’s take a page from modded Minecraft: NotEnoughItems Boundless GUI suggestion
Oh and the knowledge might be better if it wasn’t tied to skills, some resources are hidden to you until you can actually do it. It creates a weird situation where if you hear about an item on the forums or from someone in-game, you have no idea what you need (skills nor resources) to actually make it. That forces you to abandon the in-game “wiki” for an outside source, maybe not ideal?
I have wanted a Search bar for the knowledge tab the entire time! I honestly thought it had to have already been discussed at length but come to think of it, I’ve not seen it mentioned since I really started being active on here so maybe not.
YES! It is always so frustrating that I can’t look up certain recipes (pies and mega brews in my case) unless I either switch skills or characters to one who has the skills to make them.
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Actually, uh, I just noticed that I can now view mega brews and pies on a character that doesn’t have the necessary skills. I must have missed some patch notes 
We do have a few of these improvements in the works (search functionality in the knowledge has been a massive want for most the team in terms of Quality of Life)! Keep an eye out for future updates