Any news on that update?
Yeah, I’m admittedly rather concerned to see the player base shrink further. Especially with veteran players leaving, which is a worrying trend. Understandable, but worrying nonetheless.
DK, you were the last person I thought I’d see making a post with a discouraging title like this.
Make new veteran players then.
It’s tough. I love the game, and especially love the community - more than any I’ve been a part of online. It will always, always have a special place in my heart. And nothing but gratitude for the work that went into it (almost posted a silly edit in the meme thread a bit ago actually about the current situation, but decided to scrap that one as I thought it might come across a bit mean - I don’t in any way want to disrespect the work here that brought me my happiness).
All that said, as positive as I’ve tried to be, there is just no way to ignore a lot of the signs I’m seeing here. I plan to keep the Pakaverse going for what the community has given to me. And the game still is so fun and addictive, healing and relaxing. So I’ll be sticking around unless they kick me out. But I’m finding myself now emotionally checking out a bit. It is a self-defense mechanism - better to gradually wean myself off it, detach slowly. Almost similar to an IRL relationship that way. The love and memories will always be there. But as much as my heart wants things to be otherwise, reality shaking me too hard, so starting to transfer that passion to other games, or try to (with one exception really not working, haha, not much grabs me like this!).
I am not going to quit the game and I have been here since the 18th of september 2018
I have a little too much time invested in the game to want to quit it. and may or may not have became a Bitter Vet.
However, As long as the devs remain as silent as they are, I will be spending most of my time playing other games. Once the devs show signs that they care about the game again, I will start spending alot more time in Boundless again.
As far as I am concerned - you can never have enough Tallow and Bones… So I’m going no where.
I’d assume that because of the shift in jobs for the core Dev team that they would have to get some replacements up to speed and it slooooowwweed down the update release.
I agree. I’m basically in a holding pattern.
I haven’t taken over all of Houchus yet I ain’t going nowere boop
Im still getting a grasp on game mechanics and building. Im enjoying it too much to quit.
Been some posts around about getting in new players. I want to address something on this too. I know there was a dev post months back saying there were no plans (then) to close down. But a combination of signs getting worse that I saw after that point now have me questioning if that is still the case, and to where I want to still try to bring people in but not sure about the ethics of it without a disclaimer. To me, the signs point to an enforced silence, which could only be for a bad reason.
What I’m begging for here: Devs, IF you are able to do so (I understand if you can’t, and I’m sorry if so for you all as well if that is the turn it’s taken, no bad feelings on my part and thank you for what you have given us), please, just a new post to reassure us here that things are staying up, and the update still coming. With just that, a lot of fears I think would be put to rest. At least for me they would.
Ditto this. Can ask nicely, be abrupt and anything else between and still not get any response.
That doesn’t usually end well or mean good news. Worse still is when the mods try to stop these posts, so yea. Until something changes I’m just nipping on and doing little things when bored
Just knowing things aren’t ending would probably convince a lot to play more.
I don’t mind things taking a long time due to external factors, ignoring us and not saying a word makes me want to hold back on plans, buying sovereigns etc etc
It is why I’m emotionally detaching myself. I don’t want to get hurt too badly here. Emotionally - for my own part, I consider all my sovereign money well-spent, it has given me a lot of smiles that I’ve gotten so much nice feedback from you all on them. And they’re addictive, lol, $10 gives me some nice distraction for a few hours. But yeah, on the time, they can take all they want as long as I know it is still going - really, this update isn’t a big thing for me personally, I’ll be staying on the MMO side, unless it does shut down.
Stop what posts? most stuff isnt removed unless it violates the Terms of service or code of conduct.
typically “those” posts get removed because some one starts naming and shaming, the flagging gets out of control or some one posts something that violates the tos or coc
you want to see the player population? its right here: i have posted this site multiple times and it has not been removed or censored.
People that are bored are leaving…
then People that need people to enjoy the game are leaving
Why am i going to pay for a soverign world i set to public if no one else is going to use it… having a population encourages me to spend money. having everyone in my guild stop playing because of no updates… that makes me not really want to spend the money i spend monthly i do on planets.
You know what the cold hard truth is people with potato computers will download the next update, then not be able to run the local universe on their potato os… they will then demand refunds and then write bad reviews about how they, with a system under the minimum requirements, are unable to play the game…
So they need to appease the potato players running old computers they refuse to update because “it still works” and it still kind of sort of runs boundless at the minimum settings so they are content.
but the fact that you dont need to meet the minimum system requirements in order to write a review means that pretty much anyone can still buy the game… not be able to play it and then turn around and complain the game sucks completely at the fault of the player.
This is why they need to add some method to download planets, then people with potatoes will still not really be able to run the game… .but are still going to try because “it says single player so i should be able to run it on my computer no matter how old it is”
As long as gleamclub and soverign planet rentals covers the cost of boundless its pretty easy for them to stick it on update and fix when needed.
Going a little OT, but something else I’ll add since I think it is important in keeping our feelings about all this in perspective.
An author I read once talked about how part of the appeal of games is, they meet our needs oftentimes better than real life. Rewards are generally fair and predictable, effort is rewarded. IRL, you can work your tail off and sacrifice everything or close to it - and still fail. And it seems from much of what I read, that is more often than not the result in the game industry (read a lot of books on the industry, one that looks real interesting on this, Press Reset, coming out tomorrow actually). For all the revenue it generates, it is by all accounts brutal. I know I couldn’t handle it, that’s for sure.
Whatever the result is here, I can’t imagine this is the way things were planned or dreamed. This was clearly a passion project - going back and reading the old dev log posts, the enthusiasm is contagious. Perhaps they’re in self-defense mode here too. This was their baby, obviously. BUT, at least they haven’t yet met the fate of a lot of small studios - Larian very well could have saved a bunch of careers here, as well as maybe the future of Boundless itself. So if it needs to go slow, that’s more than fine… probably heavy work on BG3 now, could be some serious crunch as I speculated earlier.
Point of this ramble is, yep, we’ve put a lot of our own hearts and money into it in some cases. But this is their lives here. I’m begging for reassurance if it is possible, but whatever the result here, I wish them the best and hope that things go well for them. Devs: I know I’ll never understand the type of work that went into this. But I’m grateful for all you’ve given us. You’ve made a difference in at least some lives here I know for sure. Once again, please do not take my posts recently as bashing: it is out of love for this beautiful creation of yours that I’m posting what I am. Worst comes to worst, you gave me a great gift here, and I thank you for it, and will stick around til those lights go off or you kick me out.
with the next update its going to be more the community that ends up holding the game together and the game will shift to the same mode that minecraft had were all the community servers ended up popping up.
You still had updates that were almost non existent for really long periods of time on the official game…While the community was just a constant stream of changes.
Everyone that is bored of stuff not getting added will just flock to those servers and at least the steam player population will go up…
we will still have the same player base here that just complains about waiting for the next update after that because going super sayen mode wont be enough.
Personally the only thing im really wanting out of the next update is the skill page changes… im tired of wasting cleanse points to change my skill pages around… every time i do it i think the update should be out to fix this… literally every time i have to adjust my skills im reminded the next update isnt out… thats the annoyance i have to deal.
I ain’t leaving, but I’m taking a break until there’s some information about the situation. I’ll be refuelling beacons and portals in the meantime.
when I log in, I don’t know what to do. I bought my Sovereign to have a single player place, I don’t know if I want to keep it, build on it, or if I’ll move to SP instead and let it expire. I don’t want to build on public right now, because if I end up keeping my Sov, I’ll need the plots there. if the mmo stays alive for the foreseeable future, I’ll be there. if the SP is good, I’ll be playing that too, if it won’t be that great, there’s my Sov… right now I only know that it takes me a long time to build anything, I only got a finite amount of plots, and there are no blueprints. so I’m waiting
There is simply too much time between content updates to keep anyone’s attention after they have already sunk a few thousand hours into every faucet of content boundless has to offer.
This is the way of games though - people play for a long while, then move on. I’m seeing a LOT of new players roaming around lately. Though, I always catch myself saying that.
Maybe it’s Humble Bumble bringing them in? Nice to see fresh faces
-: I know - people are disappointed with the lack of update, yadda yadda :-