Seems like a lot of old timers and regulars are quitting?

Yep, exactly. Though some reassurance would be nice for my love of the game, I really feel kind of bad with some of the stuff I’ve been saying, part of me is just like, “Self, just shut up and enjoy what you have. Comparing it to a D&D roll, you hit at least a 19 on Privilege. These folks, many probably have families that they’re sacrificing time seeing to work what are probably brutal hours on this stuff… so that you can have more fun.”

Going from an Indie to part of such a large, spread out team on a massive project… can’t imagine it not creating shock in some ways. I hope that it at least is fun for them (even hard work can be fun if you are passionate about what you are doing) and that everybody is being really cool with them.


Theres quite possibly some legal or ownership issues with the larian situation that mean they can’t discuss certain things around game future/development.

Total guess, but there few other logical explanations that aren’t doom saying


We have @Xaldafax for that. :slight_smile:


ROFL… I am stuck in the speculation box like all of you. No new info since Feb… maybe at end of May I can divine some info after offering millions of Tallow to the Dev Gods…- keep your fingers crossed.

@georgegroeg – a sacrifice shrine might be a build we need!!!


I would expect communication to happen in the case of a support related problem involving a paid monthly fee

That isn’t really the type of communication I am refering to here.

When we really shouldn’t, Xalfafax is a player and dosen’t work at the company, so anything he says is still conjecture in my book. And it shouldn’t be up to a player, who is a not part of the company to be the face of the game.

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Lol. I actually had made @james a new mailbox/sacrifice area ages ago that I offered. But never got any response about. It’s right outside the guild hall over a pit of lava. You are to sacrifice yourself for the great Oort arch and post a screen shot here on the forum. And you would get one wish. Lol. But it’s only been used for me to kill people while they read the signs. That still brings me some joy so not a complete waste of my time.


I know I started due to… I think I got it in the jinglejam pack last year? But yeah turns out when you give someone the game for almost free it gets people to at least try it. I would have never picked it up for the 40 bucks they want on steam, far to much for trying a game out

I got mine on sale, 33% off for $26.80. I figured it was worth it. I’ve paid more than that for a game before. cough cough EVE Online…

Ha 40 bucks to try a game I’ve paid 60

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I definitely got my $40 worth but that’s not really the point. We want the game to succeed and become well known and famous like it deserves to be!


Doesn’t mean that you should settle for meh just because you paid more for something else.

Some people also paid LOT more than 60. Should those backers be able to expect more?

In that case, to reach more people, use the application amino and tiktok, they are the most used lately by players, I still did not see this game in either of the two

Not sure the majority of the playerbase use those that frequently, tends to be the younger generations. All the players I know on arie are all 30+

I am 47 and on tiktok an embarrassing amount of time :laughing:


I’m younger than 15 and don’t even own til tok

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I am 36 I use TikTok to watch dog videos


I stopped playing when the sovereign planets update came out. I enter the forum every few weeks to see if there is any news that makes me regain hope in the game, I wanted the update of the melee weapons, but these will come with the local worlds, moving the game away from what I am looking: a MMO.

As long as the game updates in the direction that I would call “Looks Like Creativerse” rather than bringing us mmo content, I have no plans to return.

I hope they bring us this type of content: clothing, armor, player-created mission system, dungeons, Titans, Hunters, races, cosmetics, decorative elements for buildings, options to activate pvp (at least on sovereign planets), mounts or vehicles, etc.

If so, I could return if it is before the MMO that I am mostly waiting for today comes out, which is none other than AOC.

Although the expectations and hype for Boundless for me are nil, hope is never lost …

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Im 29 (i think) and i don’t use tik tok or facebook etc. I just use discord and youtube.


I’m 50 and I wind my grand clock every day so it goes Tick Tok… The dog, cat, and I watch the pendulum swing…


May I suggest YouTube?

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