Seems like a lot of old timers and regulars are quitting?

Is is already fated that the update won’t run on potatos? Which ones?

If your computer isn’t powerful enough, initial world generation software can take several hours. My computer well exceeds potato status, but presumably because of either my limited CPU count or the amount of RAM I had in use, I was taking about an hour per world generated. This would be very frustrating to anyone trying to run the game for the first time, especially when competitors like Minecraft and Terraria have very fast initial worldgen.


oh cool, i was just worried about me just then ;D

:+1: If you stay in the MMO world or don’t mind a wait to generate a local world, you won’t be affected directly. It’s just a concern for new players coming in hoping to play right away, and as Vex said in the other thread, they are looking into possible alternatives anyway.


Why not follow a tutorial while everything is generated?
Perhaps you can do the MMO tutorial…


Part of the issue is steams refund policy and generating a planet eating into that play time afaik. So having a download option for a premade planet could potentially speed the player toward the gameplay. Thats all i know however.

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One of the suggestions was to bundle a smaller tutorial world and generate the others in the background as they explore the tutorial.

Should we move this discussion to the thread about the update?


Thought I’d stop by and check on the state of things after over a year’s hiatus-

Sad to see how things have gone. I would’ve loved to come back to new features to dive into… :\




im not quiting im waiting for some simple fun stuff to mess with again
said it a million times only a few simple small items can keep us busy for long periods
interactive things to create sub games in the game ourself look what happend to minecraft how many subgames does that have playermade and how many people keep themself busy with it if minecraft updates and adds an iglo and one new enemy people say cool and go back to making games and fun themself just give us tools to do the job devs have to do now and the game will explode and the dev’s can sit back and relax


Negative. 249 won’t come out for a long time and 249 will be the last patch this game sees most likely.

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I’m back for another 5000 plus hours getting back into the hunts and more so hit me up if you have any projects that you need help with. :smile:


Post removed for spam posting content. If a post is flagged, please do not try to circumvent the moderation process by reposting it. It will be be looked at and dealt with appropriately by the forum moderators (Wonderstruck).

@DKPuncherello, the snowflakes got offended :slight_smile:
Now this will be hidden too :smiley:



Because when things are hidden those get more interesting :smiley:


Which Timezone are you ?

Phoenix, AZ usa 1:00 am now.

Ooh both @DKPuncherello and @Dhusk s comments are fine we’ll I mean if @dhusk s comment gets unflagged then dks can stay hidden but otherwise than that it’s unfair that it’s hidden like that is there anyway to flag a flag


I don’t know who flagged (nor do I want to). I’m just making sure the flag is dealt with by Wonderstruck and not by us players.


So i am 9 hours ahead …