Separate Forge skills please?

So, yeah.
It’s been on my mind since the Centraforge introduction, but I simply didn’t find time/will to talk about it.
Now is the time.

Using a Forge effectively requires 3 Attributes: Vitality, Power and Intelligence.
With the skill sets being introduced, what kind of skill set can afford having them 3 Attributes high enough to make forging effective and fun and rewarding?
I’m not saying a skill set/character should be able to have all 3 Attributes maxed out on top of other skills.
However, what role/skill set can afford being a good Forger? Actually it’s not even about affording things as skill points versus skill cost can be balanced yet. It’s about how Attributes needed for a Forger go with other roles in game?

If I try to make my Crafter to use Forge, I need to bump Power and Vitality, which is a waste of skill points from Crafter’s point of view.
If I try my Hunter to accommodate Forge skills, I end up bumping Intelligence that hunting skill set/character can do without.
For a miner, I wouldn’t necessarily max out Vitality and Intelligence if I don’t aim at using Forge with him. So…
Is Centraforge forcing us to use of separate skill set/character?
That’s a bit too much for my taste.

I would rather see 3 separate Attributes here that I must invest in, that don’t affect other aspects of game - or maybe they could affect crafting (like lowering crafting time or spark use etc.) Anyway - to do something to make Forge skills a natural choice for a Crafter or Builder, and not Gatherer, Hunter, Miner or Explorer (who would invest in survival skills and tool/weapon skills). And definitely I dont think we need a situation where a separate skill set/character is needed to cover Forging satisfyingly.

I might be wrong on this. Maybe I don’t see something at the moment. Sure it’s always good to wait and see how new skill tree affects game play etc.
Food for thoughts though.


I agree entirely. If we have a cap on the amount of skills we can have for a single “character”, we absolutely need a separate Attribute specifically for the Forge.


at first I didn’t understand what the issue was, but I see your point and definitely.
I just specced my 3rd alt just for forging and had a few points to spare for QOL or whatever. maybe a bit of crafting. I also took the tool crafting skills.
but yeah. it’s looking like we’re being forced into more, more specific roles.


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