Seriously, there is an attitude issue on these servers

I don’t find this forum to be that bad - most people here are pretty helpful and chill.

And the devs do listen to player concerns and that to me is awesome. I have played other games where the devs didn’t give a damn, which ended up ruining any fun my friends and I were having.


I don’t think our forum here is too bad…I, like many others, have seen much worse. There may have been a slight decline since Steggs left, but it’s still far better than many I’ve seen. I think one of the hardest things to learn in life…not just on the Internet…is how to express opinions logically and debate them objectively. This is especially true in games where you get to be expressive through your playstyle.


Can you please link these or at least send in a PM. I have heard this before and never seen any real evidence. I think it’s important for that transparency if true.


If you walk down the street with a smile on your face, people are much more likely to smile back.


It is probably in reference to comments like

“If we make this change do all of you promise not to scream NERF for months”

May not have quoted it exact, and don’t remember the change it was about. I found it funny myself. Trying to make all of us happy is probably the hardest part of making this game for the devs.


not saying an opinion on this. just linking things up.

EDIT: personally I read this as just joking, not facetious.


Yes I’ve had plenty of conversations with James about how things are a catch 22 - this community yells at them no matter what the decision is that they make. I feel for them because I think it is sad that the community causes this issue… it makes them have to over think things sometimes that hurt us more.

It has been interesting how some of the changes I was aware of came to play out in the forums…

I think people need to really acknowledge that James and the devs are human and sometimes they might have bad days or get a bit frustrated at how people respond to them. They aren’t perfect… So a slight frustration comment should not at all be beat up considering the thousands of respectful interactions James and the other developers have had with the community.

If this was his quote per Simoyd’s link:

“If we rebalance the crafting XP and crafting timers does everyone promise not to scream NERF at us for months afterwards?”

I would complete agree it was more of a funny dare or meant in a light fashion and not a snarky comment. I’ve talked with James a lot via voice and we have had some completely opposite approaches and disagreements on approach - I’ve never seen anything in his comments, tone, and demeanor that would go towards disrespect.


Writing stuff on forums is always a simplified version of what you wanted to say.
Even more if English is not your primary language. Imo I rather sound a bit rude and straightforward instead of (badly written) walls of text going nowhere.

Feedbacks (good or bad) is a clear sign we care a lot about the game.
The day nobody respond to an announcement, is the day they should worry about their decision.
By the look of it. It’s not going to happen anytime soon. :laughing:

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I am only speaking for myself here but I can assure you I am not aiming for any of this, nor do I think the game was designed for it either…
Perhaps players having that mentality is the issue.


Also, be happy that we actually have active and interested devs. A lot of games don’t get that and I think it’s awesome :blush:


Don’t tell me your are not jealous about your neighbor amazing idea (look how miserable is your build now).
Or this idiot over-there, building the ugly thing… I don’t believe you.

It’s time to use your 300 vacant plots to block them, then post on forums how they hinder your masterpiece expansion. Show them who is the boss! :triumph:

Agreed with comments above that this community is far better than many. Seems a lot of the issues are small things that snowball because people put a lot of time into the game so little issues get escalated due to the parties’ investment in the game and end up spiraling into big messes. That, and upset over changes for the same reason - most folks basically good, not too many real trolls and troublemakers (always going to be some of that), but things get taken to heart and people get upset. And the devs are definitely doing their best from what I can see - it is no easier than IRL government, sometimes there is no perfect solution, compromises have to be made, and all that.

Boundless is addictive and immersive, and it is exactly for this reason I make a point of keeping a somewhat flippant, just-a-game attitude towards my settlement. It is very easy to get invested to the point that something small in the grand scheme of things could be upsetting. So you kind of have to force yourself be be like “Whatever…” for your own sake. Real life has enough troubles, games should be an escape.


there are 2 people building near my first base, I never really had any issue with it.
one guy who was building even came and asked me how close he could plot and left me extra space when I said I didn’t mind…

I have a new base now that I’m planning on making more permanent and I can see a few bases from mine… if they ever got closer hopefully we will just discuss and agree upon where our boundaries are… and if not, well, it’s only a game isn’t it?
Maybe I’ll feel differently after playing longer, but at the end of the day it IS just a game (albeit an amazing one haha)

I love you all whether you’re building a masterpiece or a hovel made from silty soil :heart: :laughing:


I absolutely agree, it’s a shame that the other recent post about this was locked because I saw some good agreement on that one. I’m sure this will be locked too, give it time. Support from me though.

Exactly! There is a huge age spread here and it matters. Also, having these discussions via text is like throwing gas on a fire because many people read the text with the most inflammatory tone. It’s human nature. People need thicker skins to talk things out here and be happy. I take risks, throwing out random ideas and trying to help people in ways that may be read as criticism. Taking time to coddle and affirm ideas is not an efficient use of our precious time.

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I find it funny that the devs consider a lot of advice from the community even when it is unwarranted, they are the ones making the game. Not us. They do on occasion ask for advice and that is where the community does an excellent job advocating it. It is damn near impossible to make everyone happy, and it should be left at that. Let them make the game they’ve been working on and sacrificing for over all these years.

I dont think I read your whole post, I kinda stopped somewhere and started writing this :stuck_out_tongue: apologies!


I just read everyone’s post in Ben Stein’s voice. Turns out none of you are ever angry to me.



If I used Morgan Freeman, I would believe everything from every post. That probably wouldn’t turn out well.


Seems to be correct after just trying it out.