Settlement on GORTNEN - EU West

I think proper etiquette for joining settlements needs to be established. For starters, always contact the founder of a settlement before placing any buildings or beacons. Don’t assume you are welcome and don’t assume any build style is welcome. As a founder, proper contact information needs to be provided for players to apply for citizenship. For now, a forum post and adress is the best we have.

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I built a casino for the children already, and a bounce house

When I found this post all I saw was one person asking to have neighbors. No rules and no requirements. So I will assume I can do what I want considering it seemed pretty open. @Havok40k

Other posts were made by OP @smoothy regarding plans and guidelines later down the post prior to your beginning construction. While etiquette for these situations has not really been set in stone before, I think situations like this will be more common in boundless than they previously were in minecraft.

I simply seek to prevent future disputes, not point fingers.

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but “rules” need to be set-up once people start to live together. we can’t just do what we want or the result is chaos!

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I meet the size requirement. Up to this point if you look around the area you will see no one has one set architectural style. I need to see the new rules if you would like to follow them. As far as I am concerned I have not violated anything.

Well list them please.

I just upped stakes on Gortnen. Congratulations–Boundless now has homeowner’s associations and zoning boards.

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this is still a idea from me and i still use the grid

yes but it is a idea and you dont use the grid so your building is to big and on the wrong place and the result is chaos like heurazio it say.

we need some rules like in the real life.

as example here:

Community Project Rules:

Higher Area - Living Area
the Higher Area on the big sea is the Living Area, feel free to build you house here

Lower Area - Market Area
The Lower Area behind the small Hill ist the market Area, anyone can build here a market centre, but with maximum 2 Plot size as ground area [1 Plot = 8x8x8 Fields], and using the predefined grid.

I hope I have listed all the knowing rules for bulding in this community project

i was joking

I do not understand what should it be funny on it

maybe when you learn to formulate a proper sentence and increase your ability to think clearly and write effectively, you will see many things aside from humor.

my english is not the best i know, i am from germany. and i do not need often to write in
english outside this forum.

[quote=“cbarrabi, post:134, topic:3297,full:true”] maybe when you learn to formulate a proper sentence and
increase your ability to think clearly and write effectively, you will see many
things aside from humor. [/quote]
i think this is not real friendly…and it does not answer my question
but next time i write with @Trozay he is much more friendly as you.

you complain about brook_monroe but yourself not real better

but forget it

still 1 question is left
[quote=“Saint_X, post:121,
topic:3297”] if you remove the beacon, you will rebuild it as a 2 plot big
building or same size on a other place ? [/quote]
or should we remove it still ?

These rules seem fair BUT I think I meet the requirements seeing as how they are basic and I don’t know why I was pointed out in a previous post.

Havok404 taged me earlier. I think he is treating this a little seriously.

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I dont think suggesting to increase your english was a negative comment. its honesty, just like you have been really honest about how you feel about my building. You have but nothing but rude to me this entire forum, and I dont regret one thing I said. You can’t even take a joke without trying to find the logic behind it. YOU yourself are being salty and negative over a GAME.

and private messaging my friend was a stupid idea, he told me what you wrote lol I am a minority too, so whatever minority card you re trying to throw at me won’t work, I am from a different country, and although we may have different abilities, you dont have to be a jerk about a joke i made.

There is an entire forum about tearing down my building, if you are as nice as you say you are show some sympathy, and laugh at the stupid joke i made.

I read through the whole thing and I have some things to say to you.

First, @brook_monroe most likely meant he isn’t really good with people when he said he has too look up how to be gentle. Not being gentle doesn’t equal being rude. It also doesn’t implie you don’t want to be gentle.
(brook correct me if that’s wrong)

Second, you didn’t make a joke. A joke has a punchline. You made an ironic comment. Normally one can get that because of how someone says said comment. But you’re writting it. And when everybody already doesn’t think too highly of you because you didn’t build as they liked you to, then they most likely won’t interpret it as funny. They’ll think you’re serious. Which in return lowers their opinion of you even more.
Just put something like “/s” behind something ironic/sarcastic the next time so we can be sure how you mean something.

Then about insulting someone because of not being able to tell an ironic and a serious statment apart, on the internet. Implying he can’t think clearly just because you weren’t able to see in which situation you were and how your statment would be understood.
Meanwhile you shout around words you don’t seem to understand yourself.
Do you really think that’s how you’ll get to a compromise with the others who build there? If so you’re better of with a singleplayer game (or at least you shouldn’t build in the town center). Because that’s not how you work together in a community.

Then there is nothing wrong with looking for logic behind everything because something without logic can mostly be dismissed.
Also it might be “just” a game. But everything you put time into has some value for you. Therefore you have the right to be emotionally involved to some degree. And you have not right to down play that or make an insult out of it.

Although I don’t know what happend behind the scenes with @Saint_X, your friend and you, it’s no excuse to for your behavior.

And last but not least some nitpicking. It’s a thread not a forum. There’s maybe half a thread about why you should alter your build. Maybe you didn’t know better maybe it’s latent megalomania. But there is NOT an entire forum about tearing down your build.

P.S. A word of empathy. I can see how it must have looked if you came to this forum for the first time and just saw posts of how your build should be gone. I can also see how that can get you into defensive mode. But if you’d just have been a little bit more open, a bit more accommodating. I’m sure you’d have found many people who’d be more than willing to help you work out what to do with your build.
My best guess would be that 2 or 3 people would have said: “Hey, listen, if you really like your build that much we’ll help you move it. There’s plenty of space a bit further out.”

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Well, yes. I tagged everybody involved so as to keep everybody on the same page, so to speak. It was in no way intended to point blame or call anybody out, so I apologize if that’s how you took it. I personally am not involved in the Gortnen settlement, but I am a very active member of this forum’s community. I seek to maintain civility and positive discussion. Naturally, then when I see a potential dispute that may reoccur again as the community grows, I seek ways to settle disputes before they happen. I do take that seriously. This is entirely the case in my post about settlement etiquette. Again, you and your friend were tagged simply to include you, not condemned you. I hope that clears my intentions up.


Give this man Nobel Prize for world peace :joy: :joy:

Well that came unexpected but I gladly accept^^