Settlement on GORTNEN - EU West

Hi everyone,

I’m back home and be able to be bit more often on PC and in Boundless again.
Now a few things to the current issue…

  1. I’m very glad that so many people participate now to this simple settlement. Or more a place that I thought was appropriate to such a project. Look how many names!

@Ben there seems to be a limitation of beacon names visible. Depending on the degree number I turn my view names appear or disappear randomly. But never all together are displayed!

  1. Yes I am the one who started to choose this place and called for a public settlement. But I am not a dictator and like topics to be discussed by the community. We should always try to find democrative solutions.

As already mentioned this really have been the only rules/wishes I declared. Additionaly I just said your houses should not be much bigger as most others.

3.) In some way I am pretty glad, that we now have this kind of conflict. It shows what a community game like boundless have to face. And that our dev’s @ben @james have to regulate somehow. I recommend you guys to read this topic from the 30th or 40th post, to see a real issue set up by the current game conditions. In future we must protect “city founders / guilds” against these issue, else we will have a lot of frustration I guess.

  1. @cbarrabi. I would be glad, if you also find your place in our settlement. But since everyone respected the guidelines I’d also like it if you do. Right now we don’t have options with beacons to claim a huge area to set up our own rules. If someone gets mad suddenly he could destroy everything other players build up patiently. I guess you also to want someone to destroy your builds.
    If you really just want to build skyscapers and other big projects, I am sure you find tons of free places or settlements that conretely want your style.

  2. I made a little screenshot from above to show in a picture the 2 “rules for this settlement”:


IMO the lighting in the area isn’t very interesting, does anybody have a screenshot where it looks more appealing? I’m thinking about coming over and settling there.

Its pretty gloomy at all times unless you’re by the lake then the sun shines down pretty well, I believe the lighting in the area isn’t what you’d expect because were are essentially in the middle of a valley surrounded by mountains and on top of the mountains are many tall trees all of this blocks out the sun however it is probably the perfect spot for a settlement offers a great deal of protection from “outside” invaders.

i think the place is kinda foggy sometimes insteas of bloomy

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first big thx @Smoothy for your comment as founder of this project

can you edit your first/top post of this topic and add the rules their ? that every one can see the rules direct, that nobody can say anymore he dont find the rules ?

maybe expand the market area a bit, other way the beach are is a bit to big as play area

red line = market area
brown line = market area, but changing the sand to the green stone_earth_base (maybe not a accurateline but nearly)
blue line = beach playing zone for the childrens with swimming pool (already builded, can destroy it if not ok), trampoline, ice/water slide or something like

what do you think over this idea ? @Smoothy

Well, as I told before, I like to share ideas with each other. But I don’t want to be the decision maker alone by myself.
I think everyone building in the settlement should discuss it.

Filling up the lower ground with green stone I also intended to do. It’s a good idea. The current situation partwise stone, partwise sand looks a bit weird.

To your idea:

  1. I think the area you imagine is quite big. If you look on my picture above (view from south) the sand area in this lower ground is pretty big. If we do that, i think we should make it even smaller.
    But I have to mention I’d like to decrease the enviromental buildings down there to a minimum. Right now we are just about 10-15 people down there. But imagine we grow to 100 people? could be very full down there. And I guess everyone wants his place on the market. So I’d like to keep these areas small or put them on the higher ground.
  2. Why should it be a child’s playground? Why not trying to design it in a way settler’s would have fun their. Like a little rollercoaster with trampolines :wink: A childs area, will be always something artifical. You can look at it and imagine children playing in there, but probably playing children will not be implemented in this game. So it will always be just a building to look at.

I give you a few examples of “puplic buildings” I had in mind. Because I think they would have use sooner or later.
a port - in the east of our settlement is another lake or river. I can imagine, we soon can build little ships or boats. So building some kind of harbour there, could be useful somewhen.
a farm - sooner or later, we will be able to grow plants and harvest them or raise animals to produce food and whool. so we could already build a big barn and define fields where later different plants can grow or animals stay.
donation house - could be a place with a lot of boxes, in which people could “donate” goods for public. Everyone can fill in and take out as much as they want.
Also the auction house idea from @brook_monroe is pretty fancy :slight_smile: I guess it will have use in future.

The farm and the port have to be outside the market area. And the donation house is depending on it’s size if it should be down there or not.

Can you follow me? I don’t want to undermine you idea. And when you are still conviced to build this child area, then we should wait what the others say. But maybe you also find ideas soon, which mechanics could be used soon when further updates follow. Then you can sooner or later see how you idea gets filled with life :smile:


if i understand you are not against it, if anyone against it say it pls ^^

the red and brown line area equivalent 2/3 of the complet area, i think 25-33% is enough for play ground.

sry was my fault i thinking for all but writing only chlidren, i mean the children just as example

maybe starting after my movie to fill up a part so you can see the area what i mean as playground

and yes i can follow you, was i bit fail from me because my english is not the best and i think to much but writing only the half :wink:

Yes, you can do if the others also like.

I by the way added the rules for settling: living area / market area in the first post.

Is it possible to place a vote within a topic? Then maybe make a post where people can vote. Or you write a post just for your project and collect likes. if you get at least 5 likes, you can do it :wink: I think that’s democratic enough :wink:

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good job thx

i need only 2 hour to find it out XD

  • Yes, i will a play ground
  • I do not care, if you want
  • No, i will no play ground
0 voters

Just to clarify is it now an all age playground?^^
With the possibility to add crazy funny machines when they add them to the game?^^
Oh and HOW do you do a poll?^^

“Yes I will a playground”?
German detected? :stuck_out_tongue:

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the candidate has 100 points XD
sry for my bad english^^

but cant correct it now, edit a vote after 5 minuts is not possible without delete it.
correct was Yes i want a play area XD

Didn’t even notice that one^^

Denglisch! I voted :slight_smile:

And KuroKumas question is good. But Kurokuma, i think what you have in mind is more an experiment laboratory :wink: maybe another project? I think would be good to reserve a big place for it somewhere. There we could test machines.
Guess the playground is more like slides and trampolines?

Well I meant like playground stuff^^ For example something that shoots you in the air (without dying^^) But I think any machine will still take a lot of time until it’s finally in the game so I have no problem with doing that stuff at another place. There won’t be any space left anyway when I can start with machines^^

Saint, how did you create the voting? I’d also like to start one.
But it will be more a public one, where everyone can build.

Would be nice, if you could tell me!

Please make sure to ask a Question next time (with the poll)! it’s hard to vote if one has to read a lot of posts first to find the question itself.

cough Google Translate cough (it’s not perfect … but it helps)


Please make sure to say next time something which makes sense

but I know that you like to nag around, its not new for me XD

I’d say now @Saint_X has the blessing to build his project.

Since we are not that much players, we will probably not have much more votes then 8-10. So 2 said okay, 1 said no, rest didn’t care. So you have the democratic yes :wink:

Just don’t do it too giant. Or build a bit underground, so we don’t have too high things there.

Hi everyone,

i’d like to announce a public project - everyone can participate. At the end of the post is a votum where you can tell me, if you like the idea in general. Further suggestions for place and design can be done as a simple reply. I like the woodden design like on the picture, so sugguest to use wood as material.

I’d like to reservate space for our settlement, to grow plants and raise animals. Therefore I’d like to build some kind of barn in the center of it. Like this:

As long as we don’t have fences, we should set little wodden walls, to show how much area we want to occupy. I gave some examples where we can place it. Don’t underestimate 3, i think it’s same size or even bigger then 1 and 2. It’s just more in the back, that’s why it’s optically smaller.

  • area 1
  • area 2
  • area 3
  • I hate vegetables! no farm!

0 voters