Share Workshop(Machine) Design Ideas

Building a New massive workshop and just looking for creative ways people have built theirs. If you feel like sharing your machine design ideas that would be great. Screenshots are welcome!!


Welcome to explore mine if you’d like. This topic comes up every now and then but I never have any screenshots handy, lol. Just take the portal labeled ‘Deku’ from tnt megahub, ultima maryx, ps maryx, compass hub maryx, etc. My workshop is down a hole in the side of the tree there.

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Thanks! Probably do that!


Not extraordinary fancy …
… but for a Builder, this is more than enough :+1: :smiley:


This is just my personal crafting area, we also have a crafting square in town for the directors in the guild.


I’ve been trying to keep my workshop as compact as possible and easy to run through with multiple machines. All machines are fully coiled with coils 12 coils above and 12 below the machine. I’m quite happy with this layout so far and the use of the dead space between coils is perfect for some storage units to keep items I craft with most often (or as a general dumping area :joy:).

I then have a separate, but similar, area for my forge as it doesn’t need to be connected to the spark network at all.


Mine are a fairly straight forward layout that give 6600 power output per machine. I could add another 6 coils below the machine but for aesthetics, I decided not to. :slight_smile:

I still need to add 6 more coils to each of the Compacters, Mixers and Extractors. Should get that done today. Here’s a view of the whole workshop… (Well, as much of it I can fit in a pic that is lol.)


My old workshop. Working on a bigger shop now with the same housing but I don’t have any pics atm.


I wasn’t sure how many machines i was going to need in my new house and i hate constantly finding place for new machines so i came up with this design. It houses up to 12 machines of each type. With enough control, i can reach them all without grappling. You can coil them all or coil some and keep some uncoiled for mass production (rocks refineries for example).

As shown in the second pic, you can also have storage behind them in case you have a queue of items to be produced so you don’t mix them up and put them in your normal storages.

For sure you wont need 12 forge machines so the “forge” section houses all the other machines (paint machine, minter, color mixer).

White storage boxes in between the machines function as a mini space where you can clear your inventory when you need an extra slot or two quickly.

They look nice next to one another and they enable you to show off your gems xD

I forgot to mention, behind each titanium net (octigrid), I have a set of generators for each machine type. It looks good :smiley:


Think I’m getting more minimalist with each new workshop set-up… a bit boring but streamlined functionality (though a bit over-kill now I have stopped making coils)


These are all great everyone! Thanks for sharing!


Mines a bit more minimalist


I chose a simple organized and sleek design.


Here my workshop setup :

The changes allowing us to repair an entire set of machines by hitting just one of them was a god-send. We decorated our machines with ornated glass panes, decorative gleam, etc. No need to have an actual access to the room below.

Below the ground, we made a room with 2 blocks of space to walk in, with additional trenches to go under the spark-links.

It’s super tight, but we managed to have the same spark-link network for the machines below and above. Two to three more spark-links and we’d be at the limit for this network. ^^
We used foliage and starberries as a fig-leaf to hide the upper coils.

In case you’re wondering, here are the colors we used for each machine.

Refinery : Bright sepia gleam - Stark orange glass panes
Centraforge : Pale lylac gleam - Light lylac glass panes
Mixer : Vivid moss gleam - Stale moss glass panes
Compactor : Warm red gleam - Light red glass panes
Extractor : Light azure gleam - Bright blue glass panes
Workbench : White gleam / glass panes


Edit: ignore the fishes. They’re not done yet (like everything else I do in this game)


this is 1 of mine, at DkMall
(attached to my shop)
its also a work in progress still, i got distracted by sovereign…


It’s funny, noticeable that most of us have larger workshops with lots of machines. Lol
Are y’all like me and go big to try and offset the large crafting times?


pure this

go big or go home.
i cannot build small, i need to stay busy with challenges


Totally agree with you there!!

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I don’t agree with this. I think this is oversimplification. It’d need a different definition to describe the size of the build :face_with_monocle: and on top of it, this is not your main project

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