Shop Scanners on shops behind closed doors?

For the most part, there isn’t and probably won’t be an ‘official’ standing on in game situations like this. It takes a lot of people to press Wonderstruck to explicitly state something one way or the other.

I get the distinct impression that they’d like to be able to be as hands-off as possible with what goes on in game, only stepping in when they absolutely have to. For the vast majority of the time, common sense prevails, so they don’t need to.


While on Hunts with a particular guild, they had sky beacons (platforms about 5 plots in the air) that they would launch their hunts from.

You could do the same thing. Put a beaconed shop up in the air, with the only way to readily access it is via warp portal. And then have location bookmarks readily available to your guild mates.
It would still be technically available to the public, for those determined enough to get to it.

Lol encouraging what we dont want in the game…good job👍


Uh, yeah, if I saw that in the game, I’d report the beacon for being straight-up rude.

Not everyone has massively long grapples, or a stack of 800 blocks to slowly climb up on.

That’s exactly why the report function exists. @superman101 is right; Don’t encourage it.


So, you’re saying that I should report all the annoying beacons like this?
I ask, because using the shop scanner, I’ve arrived at shops to buy something, only to find no way in. One place, I had to dig under it and come up through the unplotted floor. Of course there were portals inside, leading to portal hubs. But without knowing this ahead of time, it wastes a lot of time.

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It a shopstand is not accessible - report it and we’ll disable the advertising on the beacon or plinth. It needs to be accessible on the world via foot.


Here is a question… can some put it as a dungeon item at the end of puzzles mazes etc?

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It seems like you wouldn’t want this trackable in the scanner? IDK maybe if it’s a flat maze it won’t give away any hints about a maze but it would give away any mystery prizes.

I presume this doesn’t apply to DK mall? There is two ways up on foot via staircase and via portal. But it is in the sky pretty high up

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If it has a staircase you can climb up by foot then it should be okay.

I came upon a large building in the middle of a desert (I forget which planet) that had and entrance and exit, but the inside was multiple different plots with a shop in each, winding back and forth like a snake. I think it was set up that way to collect footfall.


This is a good question. How about my shop?
One can reach it by many portals and you can grapple up (not super easy, but can be done).
@james is that ok? Or should i provide some kind of staircase?

First time I tried to get to your shop I was not able to climb and I had to run half the planet to get there :frowning:
Later I found the portals but having some stairs or grappling platforms would be nice

its supposed to be accessible by foot.

I found several stands on one place that were completely covered in signs so you could not access. I had to report them. Prices were purposely lower than any other planet for the items too.

@tarranth I’ve seen that building, and had to get something from deep inside. I was not pleased for the waste of my time winding through it, and then all the way back out since I didn’t see an exit near by. I can guarantee that one was made like that for the footfall.

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I think all shops should be accessible easily for the newbies trying to play the game…having shops that turn into mazes or shop that can only be accessed by a just plain annoying. Experienced players know exactly what your doing. So the question is Why? It’s really not that hard to think of others…so they should be fixed or reported. And shops up high that are hard to get too. Just put a portal at the base it lasts 5 weeks before refueling. …really isn’t that hard

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Yeah you kinda have to know where to grapple. Never thought of this!

Question is, does “by foot” include grappling? Because let’s face it, grappling is about as common as running. Hell, i reckon i traverse 10 times the distance while grappling than by walking.

While i agree, there is no newbie playing this game that would shop at my shop. If you’re shopping for forging ingredients, you’re 100% not a newbie anymore.

Are you gonna fuel it for me? :stuck_out_tongue: I’d be fuelling a portal for people who are never gonna buy anything at my place haha.

Regardless, i’m happy to build stairs or a grappling platform (my place isnt that far off the ground, any decent grapple can reach it, so i’d likely only need 1-2 platforms). Question is still, what is “by foot”? If it includes grappling, i’d prefer to build a few platforms over a few plots long stairs.

Does it say somewhere that it needs to be accessible “by foot” or just easily accessible (i.e. not behind a locked door). Like in the case of all the shops in DK Mall, I think they are all MUCH more easily accessible (portals from everyplace) than a shop on a metal (lava) planet that is at ground level which “technically” is accessible by foot, albeit not easily, and not for a new player.

I also have to say I REALLY like when shops put their portal locations (or name of major mall) in their beacon name. Even if accessible by foot, I would prefer a quick portal jump over a long run only to discover they had portals to hubs that I could have taken had I known.

I switched my shop beacons to be like that purely because I was so thrilled when I was shopping and saw some shops had it that way. Like:

MyShop (PS Hub Biit)
YourShop (DKMall)
TheirShop (TNT or PS Lamb)
HerShop (GyoshaMall)


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Love your idea the name of the beacon should denote the restriction. That way nobody would waste there time.

There are those that said allowing people to click on the shop name and warp there would harm the overall game experience (I’m not sure that people are interested in “experiencing” the game or builds while they are running 2500m across a planet to buy an item :woman_shrugging:).

…the consequence of this is that players must either know how to reach the shop via portals or spend a lot of time running across the planet. All that time might be for not if you can’t reach the shop.

I don’t think places that are up in the air, underwater, underground, etc are breaking the rules…but technically, they kinda are if they don’t have stairs/portals from the surface.

Think how frustrating it must be for a player, possibly a newer player to run 2000+m across a planet to your shop, only to get there and find out that there’s no way to reach it from where they stand - whether it’s underground, in the air or what have you.

If we had a way to fly or transportation to get across a planet quickly, none of this would be a big deal imo, but we don’t.

I think it’s up to the merchants to be considerate of shoppers & make sure their shops:

  • Are well-lit
  • Accessible via the surface
  • Doors aren’t locked
  • There aren’t decor/obstacles in the walkway of the shop
  • Mark guild-locked shopping stands, display stands, etc. as “not discoverable”

You want shoppers to have a good :slightly_smiling_face: experience in your shop & come back so you’ll make more sales. You don’t want to frustrate them.


In my opinion no, by foot should mean, your feet are the main mode of transport, It is also something that everybody haves.

Not everybody haves a grapple, and to build a shop in such a way that it can only be reached by grapple or is very hard to reach on foot, is discrimination against new players and players who for some other reason, do not have a grapple with them at the time.