Shop Scanners on shops behind closed doors?

I think the reference was to plot surrounded resources. There are some gem areas that are fully surrounded with reserved areas inside. Like a box.


Ah okay, though you could still warp into it no? I guess if it has a ceiling of plots too you couldn’t…

There are entire planets that have certain areas of resources surrounded so you can’t get into the areas. and it litterally makes it impossible to get to those resources since it’s all claimed around it. You would need a direct portal inside the area since the surrounding area is walled off/beaconed.

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But without placing a warp totem into the atlas, I won’t know it’s walled off/beaconed if I am also looking for the item – say like a Diamond, ro Emerald. I would drop that into the atlas to see the hotspot and then run to it. It’s no different than searching for a shop on the world, running to it only to find it’s for guild members. – Maybe someone walled off a lot of resources to a planet – the planets major hotspot of the item, only to their guildmates?

That is my question, wouldn’t it cause the same frustration?

I have removed the shops in question from being searched for, and had to make very clear on my signs. The two on the sides have been there. So everyone who visited had to run past “GLITCH GUILD DISCOUNTED SHOPPING UPSTAIRS”

Yes. I don’t know why anyone would want to add to players’ frustration levels - especially if you want them to buy items from you. If you want me to join your guild or look at your town and the first thing I experience is being trolled, it will have the opposite reaction - I would purposely avoid that area/shop/etc.

Plots and locked-away shop stands are two different issues imo. I do think it would be helpful if there was a small indicator icon next to Guild exclusive items - or perhaps they only show up if you are within a 150m radius or less of them? They should really only show up on the public listings if they are available to the public. Doesn’t really make sense otherwise. I think that’s why they are allowing abuse reports in regards to stands (as I believe they always have) and the devs have made it possible for people to remove stands from the general listings :woman_shrugging:


You could report these areas if u wanted too

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I also think your trying to justify the shop scanner with something else. A different issue. After all u did ask what people thought… if u didn’t want to know.dont post the question. Peace

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Drama aside, I stated early on I would adjust it when I got home, but I wanted to know the official standing on the rules. I still want to hear from a dev/admin of the game on the official standing. It came up because a guild mate told me someone in game was about to report my shop – while I was at work, and couldn’t log into the game. So rather than unnecessarilly panic, I figured I would ask the formal standing of it. Whether the community itself answered is one thing or not. I like hearing their thoughts, but I still want to know the official standing. The post that solidified I am still not breaking any rules was quoted by Venom earlier. They shared the post by Luca, which gave me something of an answer.

This shop had been setup since we made the town. Until the shop scanner had come into play no one outside of our guild even cared to go to my second floor, since there are plenty of signs saying “Don’t bother” essentially unless you are in our guild.

I fully understand the frusteration of running to a location on a map and trying to find a single shopstand to find a particular item-- Back when boundlesstrading was more of a thing I tried using it, only to find it was days old and the item was very long-gone.

Which is why I stated specifically, I was and have already removed those shops. I like playing the game with all of you, and have brought more than 100 people to this game, so I wouldn’t want to intentionally put myself in a light of getting banned, or even a black mark on my account/names.

I simply wanted to know, so if I DO see it, I know what to report, or let the person know “Hey, like you I didn’t know, You might wanna change this setup”.

I hope this answers your questions, or calms the accusations of this post ‘hiding something’

Those areas have been reported, many MANY times, but the devs had reported “This is a legitimate Game Strategy” – even as the beacon is named.

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I don’t want this to be a drama thread, but I think many of you jumped at the wrong aspect of my topic. You are assuming I did this for ‘trolling’ or ‘juking’ the system, to ‘bump’ another’s stuff or the price down. This shop setup has been there since we established the town… for months… Since Advanced Locks came out. I wanted to share items with my guild for lower than normal pricing. Because we have a LOT of starting players coming to our town. So I wanted to have an offer the general public wouldn’t have. I wanted our guild to have more than just “Sweet, here are your buffs, go do whatever” – I wanted our town and our guild to have a reason to be in it, to shop local, to help their other guildmates. If I know you need Hopper Eyes, and the market price for them is [I am making up a number] 500coins-- I know you are a new-ish player I’m not going to rip your wallet apart, so I’d ask for 250coin [again, making up a number].

I cannot be online all day, and all night. I work and don’t get to play games all the time. So I cannot always do a hand trade to someone in the moment of like some [Not all, but some] who may be in different timezones, or may not work, or – whatever their reason for being on at the hour/time they are.

I just wanted to have something contstantly available for them.

This was the best option I could do. I never enabled them to BE searchable. I just never adjusted their settings prior to today. I just refill the inventory when it all gets bought out.

I hope this helps.


Lol…it was never a drama at all…just let’s all have fun


For the most part, there isn’t and probably won’t be an ‘official’ standing on in game situations like this. It takes a lot of people to press Wonderstruck to explicitly state something one way or the other.

I get the distinct impression that they’d like to be able to be as hands-off as possible with what goes on in game, only stepping in when they absolutely have to. For the vast majority of the time, common sense prevails, so they don’t need to.


While on Hunts with a particular guild, they had sky beacons (platforms about 5 plots in the air) that they would launch their hunts from.

You could do the same thing. Put a beaconed shop up in the air, with the only way to readily access it is via warp portal. And then have location bookmarks readily available to your guild mates.
It would still be technically available to the public, for those determined enough to get to it.

Lol encouraging what we dont want in the game…good job👍


Uh, yeah, if I saw that in the game, I’d report the beacon for being straight-up rude.

Not everyone has massively long grapples, or a stack of 800 blocks to slowly climb up on.

That’s exactly why the report function exists. @superman101 is right; Don’t encourage it.


So, you’re saying that I should report all the annoying beacons like this?
I ask, because using the shop scanner, I’ve arrived at shops to buy something, only to find no way in. One place, I had to dig under it and come up through the unplotted floor. Of course there were portals inside, leading to portal hubs. But without knowing this ahead of time, it wastes a lot of time.

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It a shopstand is not accessible - report it and we’ll disable the advertising on the beacon or plinth. It needs to be accessible on the world via foot.


Here is a question… can some put it as a dungeon item at the end of puzzles mazes etc?

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It seems like you wouldn’t want this trackable in the scanner? IDK maybe if it’s a flat maze it won’t give away any hints about a maze but it would give away any mystery prizes.