šŸ’µ Shop Stand/Basket Scanner for BoundlessTrade.net

I dont know can you give me link? :hugs:
DSK Khaotik on pc has been doing it for us Iā€™ll try tho ty.

Probably referring to having the scanner as a phone app for PS4 players.

Yes was wondering if android phone app for ps4 users was possiblešŸ¤—

yea that would be a lot tricker to do would require sim to have the knowledge and tools to code in there apk plus paying google the 25$ to get a developer account

If there was a way to make it a little more stable, I would scan all the time. I have to stop due to portal lag and sometimes the world chunks wonā€™t load fast when itā€™s running.

Iā€™ve been shopping more now too.
Can I search by colors?

I was giving it some thought (and sorry, this is a little off topic) and was wondering if itā€™s possible to make a mod similar to this for attractions? Like, slides, mazes, trampolines, gorgeous works of art.
Things ppl work hard on for others to admire and enjoy, but are sometimes only found by individuals stumbling across it.
Bonus: itā€™s a registry that wouldnā€™t have to be updated. (Unless the beacon dies)


The website is linked at the top of the original post of this thread =D

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That was too easy lol thnxšŸ˜‹


What language is this application written in? And the backend of the website? PHP, .Net, Django ?

The client is written in C# (.NET framework 4.7.2).

I think the website is PHP.

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Aye website is PHP using Laravel.

The one time I go to use this itā€™s broken. Lol.

Decorative Marble comes up with an error.

Thanks for the heads up. Should be fine now.

Iā€™ll do some scanning tonight too, it looks like some of the records are expiring :slight_smile:

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The Witches Brew please!

Haha thatā€™s an easy one since itā€™s connected to Biitula. Hopefully everything looks updated, and donā€™t forget you can submit requests after your shop profile is created on the site (if you want PS to come by and do a targeted scan). We created a server role just for scanners who might have a chance to run by, and we also have a scoreboard for guildies completing the scans.


My shop is registered on the siteā€¦ does that mean I do t have to request a scan?

Itā€™s an opt-in program by default! Hit the ā€œMy Accountā€ button up top after logging in, select your shop you want scanned, then click the ā€œRequest Scanā€ icon over on the right. Below is what it looks like for me. You can pull your shop out with ā€œCancel Requestā€ in the same spot later if you need.

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So, I have registered my shopā€¦ and Iā€™m located off a ps portal. What does that mean?

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It means itā€™s easier for our scanner volunteers :sweat_smile: jk

If youā€™re connected to one of the PS shopping hubs, we have the shopping hubs registered as their own token as a reminder to run through and scan the portals connected to the hubs every 3 days. The only difference is that this works on our timeline and may not necessarily refresh as quickly as all the shopkeepers would like, so everybody gets either or both options