Should atlas hide beaconed resources? (Poll)

Since we now know it’s possible to do, let’s see which one the forum dwellers would like.

The atlas should:

  • Show beaconed resources
  • Hide beaconed resources
0 voters

Reserved resources aren’t a part of this idea, they’d still be visible.


Note: a side-effect of the change would also be that the worlds info showing percentages of resources would also no longer include beaconed resources too.

reserved or not makes no difference, just actually beaconed.


What about resources in reserved plots?

Hiding beaconed resources is something I’ve been wishing for for a while, and I wish you could even take it one step further and hide resources that are completely surrounded by beacons and thus inaccessible, but that will be trickier to determine. I think it’s problematic that players being led by the atlas, especially new ones, can end up wasting a bunch of hammer durability and time only to keep running into literal walls (coughMalucough).


Interesting spread, almost 50/50. I’d also like to hear what are the advantages of keeping it like it’s now, since I’ve never needed to use an atlas to find beaconed resources. The current way makes it so I can’t trust the atlas, it might show me a cluster of manually planted decorative plants or just a future town that’s beaconed a large area. In both cases I’ve now wasted the trip there.

@GreyArt247 If that was directed at the idea, reserved should still be visible imo.

That’s not true, manually planted decorative plants are not resources (the DUG_UP types) and wont show up on atlases.


I’ve seen a few places where the plants do show up in the atlas and look manually planted, but they must’ve been there from the get-go then, impressive.

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I agree, reserved should still be visible on the atlas if the change was made regarding resources within plotted areas.

I’d be interested to hear the reasons why people want beaconed resources to show?

Personally, I cannot see any benefit from showing resources that are not accessible, and cannot think of a downside to not showing them.

But I may be missing something.

Edit: I’m not being confrontational, I am genuinely interested!


I said it on the other thread but I’ll say it again. At one point there was a person(s) who would plot the actual resources and go mine after they plotted it all. I don’t know if that person(s) still play however. It’s been quite some time I’ve seen their name(s). This was back in the first few months of the games life. However I have my mining spots and don’t mine anywhere else so they might still be playing and I just don’t know since I don’t mine in different areas. Anyway in the instance you decide to plot everything it would be good for an atlas to still work. Tho I don’t see why one would want to do that unless they are trying to save it for themselves to do short mining spurts due to time constraints.

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It might also be some confusion over reserved versus plotted. I know that it is outlined in the thread that reserved resources would show only plotted would not, but we all know that we can get in a hurry and not read before we vote.

Beyond the poll question I would like to see “free” (non-beaconed) - or the opposite - on the atlas. This will allow me to search for an area / place where I can start my base with a given distance to a different beaconed area , just to avoid digging conflicts.

To be honest, that was my reservation with beaconed resources, since my mind went along the line beacons reserve one whole columns, so as soon as I plot a beacon down that column would go bland on the atlas.

If they can code it that only resources inside beaconed area is removed and reserved is not, I see no issue.

Isn’t a warp augmented atlas exactly this? The heatmap shows beaconed areas.

@Miraskadu That’s how it would be, reserved would still be visible.

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I’ve never tried a warp augment in an atlas, I’m going to have to give that a go :slightly_smiling_face:

Is this an actual thing? :thinking:

I haven’t used it myself but seen it mentioned many times and nobody complaining that it doesn’t work, so I trust it works.

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Warp augment in an atlas does indeed show a heat map of plotted areas. An excellent tool when trying to find a big clear space to build.


Thanks for the confirmation from both of you.

I wish this was clearly mentioned in-game somewhere, for instance within the warp augment description. In almost 1000 hours of play, it’s difficult to believe something so simple has gone right by me, especially when I’ve quietly wished for it plenty of times. :confused:

In my mind it would have made sense if you could put in a beacon control or campfire into the atlas for the same effect; the warp augment is totally fine, I just wish I’d known, would have been useful a while back.