Showing Steam/PSN account names

It’s been possible from April 2019 I believe.

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So apparently it is. My bad :weary: not up to date anymore (i blame boundless :wink:) But…

Is anyone willing to pay a fee every time to change their account name? Yes one time is free but after that there is a fee. For every name change.

So as mentioned before I don’t see a real problem with it as my id still stays visible to others and to be fair won’t spend money for a change (at least any time soon).

Now i have to think of a better account name. Then Tmmk-NL.

[to add now i think of it]
Remember this was a topic a while back (other media) and also remember that technically we would go to a number (hidden) id making the “changeable id” more a “cosmetic” feature. Meaning complaints, reports, purchases and what not, would not disappear.
But i tought it wouldn’t be available till PS5. So didn’t think about it any further.

As i am reading the terms. Specifically stating.
I could lose a lot of in game purchases, progress and possibly content purchased with that account name. So ill be keeping my id as is.

Yeah I didn’t change mine either for that reason. Not worth the hassle.

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This is probably the better solution that no one is saying…

Add the name change to the Store not the rewards section…

Make it so you have to pay with outside funds so a player cant simply level up to change the name… you wanna be a troll and change your name weekly fine… pull out the CC and pay 4.99 or something like that NO CUBITS

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Yeah but like we’ve said already, if you’re a troll and you wanna bother someone by impersonating a player, it costs 600 Cubits to make an alternate character with the name, and really, you’re set. Leveling a character to gain enough Cubits to get body-paints and masks takes litterally a few hours if you know what you’re doing.

And also, really, I don’t think it’s good to always have after-thoughts about trolls. Trolls will always find ways to troll.

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I am 100% opposed to people seeing my PC Steam name on my character or my Alts. My grandson plays on my account for example. I would consider this an unacceptable invasion of my privacy.

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Then its probably time to remove alts slots from the exchange and put them in the store…

I never understood WHY with no monthly reoccurring transactions other than gleamclub are we allowed to create so many characters.

You cannot remove them from existing players…end of story.

As far as going forward, It would be hard to justify denying them from characters who wanted them.

Preeeetty sure the community isn’t ready for such a jump.
Like, suggesting to add a feature, that’s one thing.
Suggesting to remove a feature (or change it from the ‘everybody can get it without spending real money’ to the ‘you can only get this by spending real money’ in this case) is like wanting to take a toy from the hands of a baby. Not gonna go well.

Almost every MMORPG I’ve ever played has allowed multiple characters per account. One comes to mind that doesn’t.

Issues of in game impersonation and connecting a character name to IRL info are pretty separate issues.

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I was thinking is there a way like in Warcraft where you can just add someone on battlenet or whatever it’s called now so you can see them across (in blizzard case) different games, or where they are there, I know it’s a little off topic but we could just use our forum logins to identify us and have a chat system linked, so we could get the char thru the game or forum. We could possibly have the option to link an email to our account in game, or if ya don’t want to be reachable don’t link email etc, then the identity is linked by the same method for each platform. Hope that makes sense.

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We all use a Wonderstruck account name. Anything to display that?

Heck, since it’s also a forum login here as well it can be used to contact people.

Yes some use different accounts for game and forum, both are stil registered to an email address that should be valid, the forum can email the person you pm. In fact it already does that.

See how easy it all can be?

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there should be a good working in game mail system that lets you send mail to whatever character name you wish… But account wide? No thank you…if I am on one of my alts (forging for example) I do not really want to be bothered…