Signs of life from the devs?

As I’ve said several times, I personally couldn’t give less of a fudge about dates.

What bothers me is how devs will sometimes give informations in threads like this one, instead of writting those informations in one convenient place.

Same thing with the roadmap. If you read the suggestion thread I made, I’m pretty sure I made it clear that dates would not be required, and that the whole point would be to have a place where you can connect all the information dots.
The picture @the-moebius linked does not accomplish that. I’d say it barely acts as a roadmap as it is.
Like Aenea said, it would mostly serves as a way to know what the devs are working on, what to expect.

Expecting the community to change and stop complaining is quite naive.
There will always be people complaining. Doesn’t mean you gotta cut communicating because of this. That’s not excusable at all!