Signs of life from the devs?

The lack of communication prolly is cause lack of people… i mean who actually took Steggs role as community manager? I think theres none atm

That’s a problem, they should not worry about what people will give as a response. They need to pass over this and they won’t be able to please everyone so there will always have some “mads”. If the game is not in their line of sight, they should fix/blance it, w/e the community think about it.

IMO it’s always better to communicate if it’s bad or good news rather than letting people speculate about 9000 things


The developers created and molded the community through what they’ve created (the game). So, to blame the community is to blame the developers.

Second, the developers are regular human beings. I’m sure the “constant abuse” has to get to them at times. I’m sorry though… they chose this life, these careers, this project… at some point they had to have thought that when they make negatively perceived changes, they wouldnt be showered with flowers and candy. I’d like to think they’ve got much thicker skin than that.

I would even go as far to say that if Xal’s opinion is correct…

…then we might as well all jump ship and leave right now. If the community actually did run the developers away, then that would not bode well for Boundless or any other project they work on in the future.

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Seriously people. Seriously? It’s been 11 days since the last update. Eleven. Days. 11. That’s it. What do you want them to do, give an update every week that says, “Yes, we’re still working on farming. We’re coding and doing art.”

Week 2. “Yes, we’re still coding, and making art for stuff.”

Week 3. “Yep, still doing the same thing.”

Plenty of other games goes months without any update from developers and it’s completely normal. Boundless has more communication than most games on Steam.


I agree it is a problem and that communication is good. But, I’d argue that in some cases the communication takes second to just actually making the change in the game.

What good does it do to post a thing that will incite a yucky conversation in the forum if the decision was already made. No reason to ■■■■ everyone off before you release the content which pisses everyone off anyway. You are just creating more drama for all parties involved.

I think they change the things they can at the time they feel is right and communicate what they feel is right. They are human so at times they don’t communicate enough, or in the wrong manner, or too much.

Personally I would prefer some of the more divisive topics not be discussed here and the devs just make the change they want because I don’t think enough people in the forums can have a constructive conversation about it. That is why I posted what I did originally about the community needing to take some responsibility here. I feel that if we start to be more constructive and mature in our viewpoints and approach it would help when certain topics come up and maybe encourage the devs to post more because they see valuable information.

So many people forget that the devs need feedback in a way they can understand and execute on instead of just “complaints” or “claps of praise”.


What you quoted had nothing to do with farming.
Otherwise, yes, we don’t need some useless info like “yes, we’re working”, obviously.

But what we know about farming is the bare minimum. There should already be an official thread with everything we need to know about it in the first message so we can prepare properly.

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cuz its 100% worse for them to say blindside us with a massive nerf then to just post it even if they lock the thread right after posting the suprise factor will always be worse then the news its self

The bare minimum is enough. Where is the excitment in learning the subtle intricacies if they already spell out the mechanics in depth?


Well I can clearly state that the developers are not scared or not able to take the “abuse.” They are more than willing and wanting feedback that is aligned with negative views of the game. They are more than willing to take challenges to their view points. I know this for a fact because I have been on a call and challenged back VERY hard.

So even if my opinion is correct it is not in the context stated because I am not saying that we could run off the developers or that they are hiding because the community my jump on them. I’m just saying it might adjust how they chose to communicate to us because of the VALUE it gives back to them.

It is the nuance that maybe people are missing. Most people want the communication for THEM and their needs and few understand that communication can be two way. In my opinion I am talking more about the two way type of communication. That means that there have to be a return in information that provides value and sometimes I think it turns more into a toxic quagmire and the devs have better things to do. lol.


Maybe you get excitement out of learning stuff like that. Not everybody does.

I respect the view but disagree in many cases. Many people will then take advantage of the information before the nerf hits. Many people will threaten to leave if the nerf hits, etc.

Nothing is added by communicating it because of the response or drama or whatever. Sure at times I would want to know but with how some things come down after we know, I’d prefer to not know and think it is better for us.

I get others disagree… it is just a matter of viewpoint and approach on how to handle certain topics.


Why communicate when you have nothing to say…yet.

There is no community manager…bummer…but hey guys I am as impatient as the next one to get some knowledge on updates but it is a game in constant development with a small team just bare with it and enjoy boundless as it currently is.


I just discovered the reason some people are upset lol.

This is bomb mining all over again.

What? We know tons about farming. We know that sunlight isn’t required, we know we probably get placeable liquid and lava, that the crops we farm can be used for dyes, and it’s safe to assume the rest of farming is just creating foods and buffs, as well as the prestige crops.

Don’t we know pretty much all of it now?


That hits the nail on the head on exactly why no information should be provided. People will use the information to take advantage so they can get the fastest reward and make the most cash off others that are slow, or whatever.


Actually, in my case, I’m working on a big and complex build, and I wanna know how farming will work so I can make proper plans for how much space I will need, how and where I’ll make the water/lava flow, etc.
Not making any devious economic plans.

I understand the frustration of planning ahead, but what happens after the farming update, when there’s another update 3 months later that might completely upend your build? This is just the nature of MMOs. Things change. Gotta adapt.

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If nobody knows before the update, then everyone is on a level playing field. If the forums players learn it before live, then the large portion of non forum users are at a distinct disadvantage.


Devs: “Not today”


Greaaaaaat idea. Then let’s remove the testing servers, and let’s not make any “testing” threads for updates either.
That gives such a bad advantage to players who test things… :expressionless:

There will ALWAYS be the players who search for info, and players who only play the game.
You can’t expect people to play the same way. Same as you shouldn’t expect every player to like experiencing the game the same way as you.

Oh yes I agree, and I’m not being ironic either. Please. Testing servers need to be restricted to dedicated testers only.