Silver Chisel Broken? [Solved - User Error!]

I’m trying to make the shape from the far right column, third down from the top - Chisel Chart

However, while I was somehow pulling this off the other day I can’t seem to find a chisel combination that is working to make the shape. One chip from copper to make a slope is fine, then one chip from a silver and it makes half the shape that I’m trying to achieve.

Am I missing something?

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you now have to put points into the chisel mastery skill.

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Bah! Forgot about that. Thanks!

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I really feel like the chisels being double locked (one behind crafting and then another behind individual skills) is a bit much.
Though I’ve seen few other comments on it :stuck_out_tongue:


I agree with you. Chisels to make interesting shapes are already expensive in terms of resources to make them (or coin to buy them), and now I have to use up a not insignificant number of skill points (which are limited) to even use them. I bought the game to be a builder and this is creating some dissatisfaction with that choice.

i am completely ok with how the chisel mastery works. my character is everything i want him to be and I still have 200+ skill points to spend.

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thats a good way to go if the goal is to create specialized characters

only 1 of my 3 alts is a builder and he will be building for the other 2; I only cover basic constructions with the other 2

I wish the skill for rotating blocks when building was more expensive and hidden somewhere further down the skill tree too.
(and then have similar skills for hunting, mining or exploring that make you unique comparing to generalist, as you would have to spend some extra points to have it)


i kind of like block rotation as an early skill. seems pretty basic.

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true that but we havent had it before and rotation is working with a bit of effort on how you place blocks, so that one feels like something tailored perfectly for building focused players;

I wasnt thinking really down the line of skills and in cost of 30-40 skill points, but sth around the tool mastery in queue of skills, and maybe for 10 skill points.

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Since my goal is not to have to use more than one character, it creates limitations on what I will be able to do for myself in the game since skill points are limited.

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i could toataly live with that

and its true if i wer going to just use one charicter i would be dissatisfied to but that doesnt seem to be the direction we are moving in. i accept that.
my main is now the ultimate hunter, gatherer, builder and my alt is the ultimate crafter(or will be in a few more levles). now that they can share a workspace i am quite happy :smile_cat:

And maybe that is the best way if you decide to use alts. Put all the crafting skills into one alt that you can leave at home. I am not really ready to use an alt yet, but if I decide I need to, your way makes the most sense. It does mean your main gets no benefit from the XP you get from crafting, but everything is a trade off.

I do have a question. If I do not have any grapple skills and use a gem grapple does it function just like a copper grapple? Same distance and speed? I do not use them often enough to know this.

Another question. How do you rotate blocks?

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after watching @Jiivita s video it looks like the grapple will work normally up to the point that it attaches to where you fire it. after that it will auto reel to a shorter distances unless you have the skill. i bet this will change but not sure.
block rotation all depends on where you place the block. place on a wall and it will be sideways place on the ground and it will be rite side up. without the skill however all blocks are placed rite side up.

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ok so it really does not let you choose the rotation.

edit: Since it really does not let you choose ahead of time how the block is to be placed, I do not think this is special enough to need to cost more skill points


yes indeed - if that’s all it does its just a funny thing to have

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The current purpose of the block placement skill was to simplify placement for new players who found it difficult to get a consistent orientation when building. So we thought that placement variation could be something players could opt into if they want to be able to create more interesting patterns and want to learn the placement logic.


Maybe it should be elsewhere and not with basics? Perhaps new people will think it’s almost required, since it’s there in basics.


I agree - it should be else where…