Simple fix for planet regen

Just do a daily server reboot for each planet with 100% total regen. Every game known to man pretty much does a daily server reset for the most part.

pls not… all my inlet tunnels gone, drops gone after a long fight, meteorite gone, titan gone
bad idea… btw u know that titans might be coming to fix planet regen?

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Huh…? It’d probably be like a 3am thing and you wouldn’t lose your house.

im online 3am and i never spoke about my house

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3am where? Time zones, dude.

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This would be good for you since you’d get dibs on fresh spawned everything.

Lol it isn’t a thing, just most games do their reboot between 3AM and 7AM EST

We can’t do that. It was brought up in another thread, but basically it causes an issue where, if they use 3am for example, only the people online at 3am would benifit. Anyone with School, Work, or in a different time period where the only time they can get on is 12-15 hours after 3am for a few hours, would find all the worlds completely looted and already picked clean.


True, but that’s usually for maintenance, not to reset limited resources. In the games that do that, like Eve Online, they have infinite number of resources, enemies, and so on spawning daily. The Maintenace is to reset server logs, clean the Cashe files, and ‘Maintenace’ of the server.

You’re still thinking of the game as an RPG, and not a Sandbox game lol


in the tunnels i put work… work that i need to do again, wearing tools out… but pls why still talking about planet regen when they release titans who have rapid regen aura???

Also, i’m sure that an 100% regeneration on every world would take a lot of server resources, and quite a bit of time

True, but if it’s all mined out today when you log off and it’s still all mined out when you log back in tomorrow you stand to only benefit from a reboot which may allow you a chance at some fully regenerated seams the next day after a reboot. No way people can log in at 3:05AM and strip mine an entire planet before you get home from work the next day… and if they can that’s massively impressive.

This would probably make the servers explode, lol.

But, again, timezones matter. Some people will never get the chance to play at all due to all the servers being down in the only time window they can play.

servers dont need to get down for a reset

Can you link a source to this cause it sounds like something that’s plucked out of thin air.

Ah titans, a new mechanic. Maybe they’ll be the answer to everything. Or at least an improvement. Was hoping to see regen addressed in this patch, and daily reset would be a quick and simple fix.

That’s true, but they would probably need to if this regen was happening, or just be incredibly laggy

During off-peak they could probably rapid regen a planet without taking it down.

I do not even understand what the problem with regen is in the first place. It works and it happens. If you want it to happen faster, then forge/buy some regen bombs?

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