Skill refund for the bomb nerf

With such a dramatic nerf a skill reset should be offered as many of us have heavily invested in bombs.

My wife used her last / one of her last skill resets to become a bomber the day before the nerf. Now shes stuck with an unplayable setup and required to pay for a respec?

Just seems a little unfair.

You made a drastic change, you shouldnt penalize people for that.


Out of curiousity, how did she manage to use all cleanse points AND 3 free skill resets already??

I’m level 50 and still have 8 cleanse points and my 3 free skill resets.

But yeh they should give everyone 5 free cleanse points at least.

magic I used all 3 resets and I’m level 43. Actually used them all before lvl 35… And I have 6 alts. Just changed skills a lot.

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But why’did you do that? Why didn’t you jus’ make an alt???

They changed the game significantly requiring people to make entire skill set changes. They should have given everyone a free reset regardless of how many resets someone already has.


Why did they make huge sweeping changes to core game mechanics without letting the player base know about it?

It’s insane. I haven’t even logged in the last 2-3 days. I just logged in his morning and am pretty much feeling meh and do not want to bother playing any more.

I just started a few weeks ago. Got used to the changes that were made. Felt comfortable and finally understood how things were meant to be and going. Then the developers completely change core mechanics without even giving the community a heads up? Completely unbelievable really.

I had a mega crush on this game up until this most recent update. The bomb thing aside. They’ve introduced a ■■■■ ton of other new issues.

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Did you read my original post here?

Yes, I didn’t respond to it because I had no answer for it. Sometimes there isn’t an answer for why things are done. No direct one anyways? The system is counterintuitive.
The system changes each patch it is starting to seem.
If playing on ps4, the accept,discard buttons don’t highlight very well so you may think you are hitting discard and hit accept.

I could list a lot more reasons but it doesn’t matter how I or anyone else got there. The fact of the matter is if a core change to mechanics is done, then the developers should do a skill reset globally for all players. Especially unannounced changes.

Whether you spent anything on changes or not has nothing to do with what other people did.

Edit: I assume you’re talking about your 5 cleanse points portion. It should just be a full reset. The rest of your comment comes across whether intended or not of how in gods green earth could someone have gotten themselves in to a position you just don’t see as realistic. How they got there doesn’t matter. The fact that key changes to the game were made with no warning to the community does matter.

Same boat here - used my skill resets within the first few days of the game going live (and have had to purchase additional ones), and chronically never have enough cleanse points.

By not leveling alts, and a lot of experimenting with my builds.

Alts are deeply unsatisfying and frustrating to play for me. If you want more background on that: The switching cost of alts

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I said “at least”, which implies it should very likely easily need to be more than that.

Understanding how someone uses up all their cleanse points and 3 skill tree resets is important information so the devs can change the game for new players.

Thanks for the post.

Yes please to complimentary skill resets. It’s a slap in the face without them and kinda comes off as it was done on purpose to get people to buy them.


Completely agree with this. I used all mine at level 23. Trying to learn, or even figure out what recipes were hidden behind certain skills. I also had to change for updates like atmospheric protection Changes, crafting. Whenever a core feature is changed I think that would be a great customer service practice and give people the chance to re-work our own skill trees.

Edit: maybe just refund all points to be re-distributed with an option to return your previous layout (or close to) for those who wish to not make any changes. That way someone doesn’t hoard skill resets. (If that is a concern)


She has some cleanse points left, 12 cleanse points are not sufficient to go from a full bomb spec to a full mining spec.

A change like this in most MMO’s = free skill reset.

12 should be plenty to go from full bomb to full mining. What’s the issue?

5 points to undo any points in bomb mining,

1 point to undo bomb ultimate, that’s only 6.

She tried initially to use her one character took a look at crafting, mining, bombing, etc. The skill system is terrible here. IMO buying a second skill slot should use the same pool and have a timer to swap.

But thats a completely different argument.

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You dont seem to get it, so I’m just going to stop trying to explain it to you.

Even if she had a million respecs everyone in the game should have gotten a free one with a sweeping change like this.

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She’s probably more of an outlier. I doubt the majority of players are going through 3 skillsets before Level 50.

I mean, if they were to give reset points for every nerf or change then we’d be racking up free cleanse points/resets from now until eternity.

I already told you, I agreed with that.

See my quote here,

But I’m explainin’ to you, 12 cleanse points is enough to switch from bomb mining to hammer mining.

You can put at most 5 points into Bomb Mastery, and 1 point into Bomb Epic, so that takes only 6 cleanse points to undo.

At low levels she doesnt quite have the points for everything.

She’d need to get out of bombs, bomb mastery, durability extension etc on top of that she’d then not have anymore points to use like normal.

A full reset is standard practice in mmos when a change of this magnitude is performed. 15ish points would fix her character.

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