Slingbow and attributes?

I have created a character that focuses on hunting and I started wondering which attributes that affect the performance of the slingbow.

Does Damage (Power) or Swing speed (Dexterity) do anything for slingbow or is it just melee weapons/tools?

I’m assuming Critical Chance (Agility) and works well with slingbow and that Control has no effect?

Going by logic (no definitive knowledge here) I would think that power would affect slingbow as it generally increases damage to creatures and blocks. However, I can’t really see how swing speed would correspond to a slingbow as firing speed isn’t really the same thing.

I do have a bit of knowledge in this as I have focused on a sniper themed build for hunting.
From my experience the stats which effect the slingbow are Power, +%50 damage at max and Agility +%20 critical chance at max. Sadly neither Dexterity or Control seem to affect it.

Useful related post:


Thanks, that’s really helpful. :smiley:

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Your welcome, I’ve been the one asking before and for once I actually knew the subject ^^ .

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