So Many New Colors

What I mean is that when I go through and separate all the colors that I got, from gleambow racing, I would like to be able to see which colors are the new ones.

Sigh, we’ve been giving you the same anwer over and over in the thread you started about this already as well. Why start again?

If this is all you want, check the google sheets colour sheet (search for it on this forum), it has all the planets listed with the block colours on each of them.

Any block of a colour type you now have that is not on there is from gleambows…

I didn’t start this thread.

Again it would be easier to see which ones aren’t new. We had what 30ish gleam before well now we have 256.

“Any block of a colour type you now have that is not on there is from gleambows…”

I’m looking for a list that is from gleambows, though.

But that’s the thing the list from gleambows is all the 256 colors so what good will that do you?


Best method I’ve found as well

I would make a list of the colors but honestly I believe I have gotten a different color set from every meteor I’ve found. The devs may have actually included every single color in the game on this one :hushed:

What good will it do for me? Well, having a “only gotten from gleambow event” list that I can look at to see which of my blocks to keep and which ones are common blocks.

Again if you look at the color list of gleam that was in the game before the event than all the others are not common.

Literally all 256 colors are possible from this event.

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I’m talking about all blocks, not just gleam.

Same thing all 256 colors are available for ash mud sponge growth etc

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I don’t think I mentioned gleam. I don’t know why gleam got brought up.

Because the original topic was about gleam

No matter how you look at it. The easiest way to see what colors are not common is to look at the color sheet from the common blocks

That one already is in circulation. Nothing has to be made.

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A distinction would be nice, but if you just drop all your gleambow findings in their own storage and remember what planets you visited, shouldn’t be too hard to weed out any stray blocks that are standard fare

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But common blocks can be acquired from gleambows as well.

Well I’ve gotten white gleam a few times while doing this event and I haven’t done any hunts on houchus.

Well then you’ll have to pull up that planet color list and get busy :roll_eyes:


Yea far easier list to look at of the colors that previously existed over a list that contains 256 colors for each drop

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