Some love for poor James and the dev team

@DKPuncherello i think u dont need it cause a chest got limited space…

this reclaim system got boundless space…

4 example only my gleam inside the reclaim storage

think about how many chest u need to sort it by a forged chissel… and how often youve got to do this…

reclaim a sort area is much easier…
makes every other sorting tool useless…


im having a hard time playing this game with no content updates and I could care less about the glass signs., what a waste of developer time.

When are the real content updates coming, for example this useless chat system-please fix this.

Simpler start, put the totem and everything you need IN THE INVENTORY of starting players.and give them a list of planets to go to rather than point and shoot a planet to land there…Speaking of starting players, there arent any…most of the people I played with are bored and gone and noone is showing up to play.

Forging is a joke and im sure many have expressed this absolute disdain about forging and non forgers having to spend almost 10k on a hammer that lasts a few minutes…where is the item repair system???

People like :black_small_square: are taking over plots all over the world to build farms on. Now i see he has closed all his portals, and im mad about that now. i depended on those farms. People tend to use the easiest route and even though :black_small_square: attacked me about building my own farm too close to his, i forgave him.

Portals are too expensive to maintain, this needs fixed immediately… Once you get the skill, portals should cost much much less.if any cost at all…oort is very easy to get but you need to farm oort so often that it takes away from other aspects of the game, some people despise hunting and having to kill animals even in game, and we are forced to do it or our portals shut down. Make a mining OORT system, noone cares about killing rocks. The size of the portals is out of the question and should NOT be based on blink seconds. its the only thing in the game based on this crazy system. Portals should be 1x2 always. Get the skill make a portal…easy as that. If i want a portal to Nonies house i should be able to make one in game LOL with her permission of course .Maybe you get 10 1x2 portals to anywhere when you master the skill needed .NO, just change the system to always be 1x2. Always remember KISS. The systems in the game dont have to be so complicated or over thought.

We need a better skill tree. Most of these skills, no matter what build you buy and build (money grab), are never used in any build that i know of. Bomb Mastery is a stretch, and what build needs shovel mastery, axe mastery,and grapple mastery? we all use these items when we need them and work fine without wasting points in any build on them. We dont have a logger profession in game or for that matter a digging profession or a grappler need at all. If we are Oortions, in my mind we should be able to fly, using our minds in some manner. Im part of the GET RID OF Grapples club if you didnt notice.Some of the epics need to be dumped also like the threat and shodow epics. we dont have a need for tanks with no dungeon system, which there should be a dungeon system of some kind. a reason to get groups to do something besides go on a hunt. The only group activity i can think of in this game is a hunt. All of the endurance skills can be combined into one endurance skill. and EPIC 2 skills should define our professions and set each character to do very well at that profession. Exploration could be combined into one skill as well, why bother with different atmospheres? just another over thought system of uselessness .Epic 3 should make players amazing at their chosen professions. Run with that developers and come up with amazing in game content for that.

For the last item in the list -where the hell is fishing…so much water and so much wasted space in the game. Someone should be beat with a wet noodle for not adding this to the game.

Anyway, much love to the developers, love the idea of what this game could become and looking forward to the future…perhaps get with the ECO game people and fix both games at the same time by combining them…I have to go write them a little note now that im thinking of them. BYEEEEEEE

Censored this post to remove the player’s name. Naming & shaming is against CoC. I did send a PM to notify the poster & asked them to remove the name 1st.

Flagged 2nd post since it was a duplicate.


(Whispers) Give me the power!!! Lol. :fist: :joy:


If you think that developrs adding in a key system that prevents players who stop playing from having to basically start all over is a waste of time, then you and me have different definitions of what we consider a waste.

The chat system HAS been fixed. Sure, there’s a small delay, but its quite usable and functional.

The start of the game literally hand holds you to tell you how to warp to a planet and set up a beacon, if thats too confusing to follow then I somehow dont think this game is for you.

Theres actually an influx of new players who have been playing since it went on sale. Sure its a small population, but its an extremely tightnit community.

Forging is actually quite a simple process once you understand how it works. I myself have written an easy-to-follow guide on the matter.

And the only way a 10k hammer would only last a few minutes is if your at endgame with speed brews and no presisting pies, in which case you should be smart enough to be able to mine hotspots to easily make back many times that value in mined goods.

You’re mad at the guy you depend on to farm stuff? That’s a contradiction in itself. While its regrettable he closed his stuff im sure theres plenty of other portals that lead to whatever it is you were farming.

a 1*2 portal can fit 900 shards that last just over 5 weeks. 900 shards is equivalent to 64.8 oortstones. At 35 days that’s a little under 2 oortstones per day, which is less then half of what 1 meteor gives.

A single meteor hunt can easily sustain a 1*2 portal for 5 weeks - if you cant be bothered spending 1 hour a month to hunt some meteors then I don’t know what to tell you other then there definitly NOT too expensive OR difficult to maintain.

LMAO. It hardly takes that long to reach the end levels of the game, and to reach level 50 is quite easy. If thats what you call a money grab, let me introduce you to Clash of Clans and Vega Conflict. THOSE are crash grabs!

We are not Oortians, we are citizens. Oortians are the ancestor race. And being able to fly “just because” makes no sense.

This has been your first reasonable suggestion in your thread. I too would enjoy fishing, but I would also enjoy other things the devs could be working on, like private servers or more modding support for the potential for players to program dungeons.


Nah, he was very aggressive in his post, but he’s not all wrong. He raised a few legitimate ideas.

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(O.O) so if I get lazy to sort ma gleam I just throw a plot down then reclaim it lol

I know one thing we as a community could do for @james and the other Devs!!!

ONE month with none of us Suggesting any type of game change!


I can probably do that.

I don’t think they mind suggestions all that much so I fixed your comment!


Here’s some love:


See how big that is!! Huge! Thank you for everything!


I don’t think they want or need that

Aenea changed my word no suggestions to no complaining… I like her phrasing better than mine

@BabyCookie its worked too with forged tools…
stags 4 u automatically hammers with identic boons… example a speed plus 20 hammer dont get staged together with speed plus 40 hammer… (and other boons of course too)