Some 'Miner' Improvements

I’ve just installed some handy infrastructure at the Corinth diamond mine on Malurialakrib. I’ve been hauling a lot of rocks these past few weeks and I hope you all like what I’ve done with the place so far.

I’ve divided a large part of the hotspot into four sections so swiss cheese will be easy to spot, as well as placing platforms for easy access to different altitudes (alt. 4,9,14, and 19).

There are lots of wall faces, making it super easy to grab a few ore blocks using a shovel and gathering epic.

The mine is accessible through the hunt hive in the corner of mcrib hub:

or just outside of PS hub mcrib next to the Batman:

I’d also like to point out this handy mining guide, which is full of great tips and will also explain the reason why I spaced the platforms 5 apart:


Didn’t know managed mines even existed. I will be paying this place a visit once I finish my building project.

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Ooooooooo noted

Does this mean that the sides of the mine have been deplotted and opened?

I’m keeping them up just for you @Fallon :wink::green_heart::green_heart:

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Can’t tell if joking or working on fixing this :>


Not sure what there is to fix, and I’ll thank you for staying on topic.

Oh the sides are plotted, I can’t get in from the outside, broken pls fix


There are plots around your basement that contain blocks in it - making them a wall that prevents people from outside going inside your basement.

Yes there are. There is also a new and very convenient mining structure that is the subject of this post.

Love the mine bud. I use it when I need me some mind numbing…mining lol

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Nice mine but pardon my ignorant question (xD), what is this mine for? (Metal ores? Coal? Etc). Id like to use it if its safer and more organized than random lands out there.

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Diamond, Titanium,Iron,Medium and Hard Coal is what I mostly get from the mine. Its located on Malu.


What @Ratchel said and you’ll also pick up some gold and it’s lava free.


No lava…nope im out :rofl::joy::sweat_smile:

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Ohhhhh ok. So the hotspot you’ve walled off isn’t part of this public mine? Geez, that’s all you had to say

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Hey, the right questions for the right answers :yum:

Meh, or just be upfront. gg ez

Try looking around the tiny 3X3 plot entryway that you passed in order to check if wall = true. There are signs in there. I think if you are interested in trying out the mine, you should read them. :v::vulcan_salute:

He is Blargg, hear him Blargg!


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