Someone claimed to be our friends ALT and ransaked his place when the beacon went - before we knew. Is there anything we could do?

If you look at them the PSN is mentioned below the username. You can also interact with them, press square, and inspect them, including their PSN profile…

No need to initiate a trade…

yeah i need a blacklist i had this stone exchanger at the art project and its completly empty
i hope guilds update give me guildbank with a log our a link to the blacklist :smile:
happens to a lot off public projects we have zero knowledge off who takes what i know dev’s can see storage’s log’s so why not us aswell
btw jeffro hows it going where you hanging out these days :smiley: sorry for using your comment im bit worked up
over my stones hahaha

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it’s good old pal. I’m in borri marrah. quietly plugging away on a big project. I’ll be ready to share in a few weeks. swing by :smiley_cat:

Nah, legal griefing in its finest.

This only works for PS4 players, PC players can not see the PSN names/Profiles.

I know, but the person I replied to already added that if both on PS4 then… So I just gave a much simpler way then to lure the other person into a trade…

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I dont rly see a issue with looting a abandoned beacon base. If you wait a few hours the stuff will be regenerated into nothing.
If the beacon owner is worried about their stuff and know RL gets in the way, then he coulve added either GC or permissions to refuel to friends.
I dont see it as stealing as its abandoned.

@Potato well as u see i rejoined redwood across the river got you 110,000 prestige in a couple of hours :slight_smile:

Come and join redwood people!! 2x2 plots for small shops on my side of the river or plenty more room with @Potato city area.