Someone is trying to impersonate as me

At least it is not Hashnnalash or Hashmallash that could cause more problems.

Always try to identify player to be one they claim if they ask permissions for some strange reason and they should already have those!

Wow, that’s just as bad as people trying to impersonate your guild, happened to me a few weeks back.

Am sure the devs will find out who this is and delete this character…

Well, they can, just add an extra space in front of it…

They did? Are you sure about that?

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Wow. It’s even more weird that they were trying to join your guild. Didn’t they know you’d see it? lol

@james is it possible to add the same filter/block to usernames/beacons that was placed on Guild names?

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Shoulda at least been creative and named the char Harshmallarsh. Is there even a rule against this?


They’ve only said they will fix it. But there hasn’t been any fixes put out for it yet. At least there hasn’t been anything mentioned that it has been fixed.

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Lol I thought that was fixed


Nope, didn’t see it in the patchnotes and when they faked my guild tag I tested it out and created a fake guild tag, that guild still showed in my guilds list after the last patch so I assumed it wasn’t fixed yet…

I think its just creating one now… if you alrdy have it you are free to use it… i guess

I just made that one…

i guess i just read it wrong… i just thought you had it alrdy… before the patch

Yeah I tried it first before the patch with someone else’s guild and created a fake char with that guild tag and walked up to him and said “hey fellow guildie!”

I now renamed that guild to this but the same dialog and the same checks are in place when naming or renaming a guild anyway…

Lol they are allowed. I have another superman running around and they made that character long after playing game and know of me…It’s funny…

I think it’s a little different when you have a super popular name.


No it’s back and white. For popular or not. Hahaha. But to be honest i do t really care

Are we sure that the one claiming there is a clone isn’t ACTUALLY the clone!!! Hmmm… wink.



Haha good one :slight_smile:

it seems to me that it is an inside joke (a rather unfunny and lame one, but a joke nevertheless) meant for the many people in the game who know who you are. this fella simply fancies himself a new and improved version (v.2.0)
but you are right to assume the worst, I would too.

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I’m gonna make a character called Pyrr/Apt and build a load of gleam towers and wooden cubes