Sorting Function for Saved Locations

Hello, I want to suggest a sort function for the locations. I found an old thread with a sorting function for the inventory: GUI Update: Inventory GUI and Type Groups
I don’t know if this is still planned and if you also have a plan for a sort function of the saved locations, so I suggest it.

It would be great if there’s an option to sort locations by Name, Distance, Last Added and of course Manually. I explain what I imagine and you can also see it on my concept pictures. I have actually shown it very simply.

I think 4 categories are enough.

Name sorts the locations alphabetically and according to planets.

Distance sorts the locations by proximity to the current position on current world and other worlds. Worlds far away are at the bottom of the list. Example: Septerfon = Moon Planet → comes before Munteen = Ring Planet

Last Added sorts the locations by … guess what? last saved. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (In this example the newest locations are up and the oldest at the bottom. I don’t know what’s better. Maybe making the newest at the bottom like it is currently ingame would be a better way.)

Manually sorts the locations in categories. You can add, name and move categories and the locations as you want. (I would sort my locations by bases, good caves or cities.)

What do you think? Community and Devs? I think you (Devs) have already thought about it and may not add this before 1.0 because it could cause problems or isn’t priority. I don’t need it now. Take your time. After 1.0 is ok for me. I just wanted to suggest it. :slight_smile:



distance and order would be nice. i dont think we need favorites or bases. bases can be named. if by distance you can see the named bases per planet. as for favorites why wouldnt you know or remember the favorite places by the naming convention.

lastly, id rather see automatic location saves for exploration and a limited/gated amount of custom locations saved. beacons being free adds, and then some other criteria influencing how many custom locations you can save. maybe a per planet or per rank basis.

short answer, yes some form of sorting function would be quite handy. i had lots of locations saved and had to clean up that mess last night.

This is just an example for own categories as I said here:
„Manually sorts the locations in categories. You can add, name and move categories and the locations as you want. (I would sort my locations by bases, good caves or cities.)“
This is an option where you can give the categories names and make your very own order. I named them favorites and bases because I would do this for me. But you can give them another name or just make one category in Manually. :wink:

My list is very long and scrolling every time to the location I want to travel is time consuming, so i think this is a way to make it easier. :smiley:

Why would you want this? Then you would be restricted and can save only a few locations. What if the planet has more great places than the limit is?

I have to do this soon. My list is way too long.

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firstly, naming the categories is possibly redundant.

the naming of the location can serve dual purpose of categorization.


Mining : gold near lake
Mining : silver near secret shop
Hunting: spitter den
Hunting: cuttle trunk swarm.
Social: Homies crib.

sorting them by name under such a naming system would serve the purpose of categorizing them

why would i want limited locations and what about all the other great places?

as i stated in other threads before, it would be nice if the game autosaved discovered locations then allotted a set amount of locations that can be saved based on a per planet or per rank basis. this is to prevent both tons of useless never used locations being saved, and a reason to know what locations your builds are near. if youre out of savable locations for that planet/ or because of your rank, you can still know ‘X beacon is located near X location’ and with X location autosaved on discovery no harm no foul. it encourages you to know the locations near your bases / on planets you frequent. that to me is a major bonus with the only purpose named locations serve (the wild ones you discover) are dev amusement and xp from finding one.

with the current limit of locations possible in anyones inventory, you could not theoretically save all locations you find/like from any one planet when you consider how many planets there are.

i have ventured across seven planets so far i think. berlyn, elopor, solum, vulpto, septerfon, therka, munteen. oh and nasharil too… so eight i guess.

autosaving all real locations discovered = more than you can custom save right now. most real locations have some aesthetic appeal to them and as such at least one reason (if not two for resources) to save the location for later projects. with 50 locations on a planet, that covers most of the ground, and then with an extra few customs per planet or based on rank (would be x per planet but Y x Z for rank based) you should have more than enough coverage of any planet.

the game should encourage in some way too, players NOT saving just any and every location. that way saving them becomes a little more special than ‘because i like that spot’ and so that players and devs both dont need to eventually deal with massive amounts of custom unused locations saved.

to be clear, i tried to venture across septerfon but the ping was too high i couldnt really explore… but i did touch dirt!