Sovereign and Creative Worlds now live!

As @majorvex siad it will just appear on your Worlds menu. @james also said that there was a backlog of orders so it might be a few hours before you see yours generated.

I believe it’s processing and you just wait for your planet now.

@DragonTamer Yes

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Check the email you would have received after placing your order. There should be a link that says “Customize your world”. It’ll take you to where you select the biomes etc.

The colors etc. are selected when your world has been generated and you’ve placed a World Control there. :slight_smile:

Thank you. That’s what I was assuming but wanted to know first before I pulled the trigger.

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as soon as you land on the world you bought, you place world controller and go from there

at this stage world is ready with random color palette but the world control allows you to change color of each block individually until you are satisfied

you then save the changes (or save unchanged initial palette) and the world can be interacted with

every payment cycle (dont know if its a month or longer) you can change colors again


Honestly don’t mind the $40 price tag if it allows us to run our hunts unhindered. The way it stands now we MIGHT be able to do a couple of midweek ones there but absolutely dont want to exclude anyone from the hunt.


How deep is the planet queue? Just wondering

ive been waiting abit over 2 hours now

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I wonder what the planet per hour creation is?

Dunno exactly, sounds like the queue might be pretty long tho


Oh, I was thinking they might be able to do a medium planet with 60 players for $40, though knowing they probably use AWS, it’s likely the next option would be double cost and player limit like the existing tiers…

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Oh ok, so 3-6 planets an hour depending on if they are generating one at a time.

ordered a 2nd one.
might have to abandon first one because great b alls of gleam , which is a shame as the world looks pretty good otherwise.

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Yeah a medium planet wouldve been optimal. Idk it’s only day one. Let’s see if anything gets updated or changed at some point so we can actually run hunts there full time.

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Sure sounds exciting today!
I hope someone creates a new universe map including all the new planets!

The thought of someone trying to maintain that tho… x_x


Im sure anyone who attempts tgis will wait until the universe settles from initial influx and removal of unwanted planets.

I wish there was a window somewhere, perhaps in the sactum, where we could see all the planets in the universe so we could watch all the new planets appearing.


Which region did you guys select?

  • AUS
  • EUR
  • USE
  • USW

0 voters


What about the other planets that it’s not attached?