Sovereign world build: Aurum Citadel & the City of Aurum

Yup when are you on?

look at the size of that build…stretch is never off


Haha, I am actually on at the moment :stuck_out_tongue:
Frantically trying to prep some materials so I have something to stream tonight lol

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K I’ll hop on, meet me at the mall with inventory space


Thanks @DKPuncherello really appreciate it. Let me know if there’s anything in game you need so I can try and return the favour some time.

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@Stretchious If you run out from what DK gave you I have a chest full also.


Tell people to go build trees for the tree contest :blush:


Also have around 10k white rock to donate if ya need it :grin:

Have no use for it personally so, long as it’s being used for a build. And this build looks amazing btw!


This doesn’t look like a build to me, this looks like a one way ticket to the loony bin hahah.

Beautiful work stretch!

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I took a mini break from building to recharge my batteries, but I’m back at it again now…

…and the 2nd tower is now complete!

along with one side section and most of one of the side walls

and more of the top level grounds layout


Ooof this is looking grand and beautiful! Keep going!


You are a beast! Cheering you every step of the way

:oort_g: :oort_o: :oort_g: :oort_o: :oort_g: :oort_o: :oort_exclaim: :oort_exclaim: :roughoort:


It looks amazing!! Can’t wait to see the final result!! Are you streaming?


Thanks all!

I only really stream on weekends, but haven’t done so the last couple of weeks. I plan to stream again at around 10pm (GMT) this Friday night though. I’ll need to make sure I save some resources though lol


Looking amazing. Its nice to see the progress shots and you nailed it with color choices


How’s the build coming along @Stretchious?

It’s pretty much on hold at the moment as my graphics card blew up near the start of November and I’m waiting for the RTX 3070 to become available here. I can still run the game on my old Radeon 5800 card (thankfully) but I can’t bring myself to build anything, as the draw distance is quite bad on it… and I feel like I’ve turned into a graphics snob now lol


and waiting and waiting, a tad frustrating.
my ol’ 1070 almost went belly up last year but in desperation tightened all the proverbial and literal screws plus stuck some extra mini heatsinks for good luck and cross-fingers it’s running ok at mo but very much looking forward to the day when the bitcoin miners have had their fill.
wish you well in finding a 3070 (right after I’ve found mine first though I have gone and spent my rtx reserve money on a new camera lense so…).

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