Sovereign world developer intentions

It’s literally impossible to do anything the devs don’t enable. Including changing the plotting rules, etc …

Changing one rule is just as “impossible” as changing the other.

I bet we end up seeing more options down the road! Especially if things prove popular. Imagine having your own world, thats maybe 1 zone in totality. That’d be enough for a small guild to make their ‘base’ or one person to create their ‘Getaway Villa’, all while still connected to the universe but also having that sense of “privacy” or “control” or feeling of “mine”.

Imagine smaller planets setup for newbies to visit and rental rooms… oh my I’m sure there are a few persons on this forum that could really go crazy with designing a 1 zone world for newbies to come to and learn the game in a compact space and not be totally overwhelmed!

Call it “Tutorial Island”

Sorry, let me edit it to say “literally impossible at this time without further development” since I guess that wasn’t implied heavily enough :rofl:

I was also hoping for a smaller planet, but that’s cool

I was actually very vocal when we had previous discussions (last year?) about whether or not public rental planets with gems/metals/etc would be reasonable.

If people rent 10 emerald planets, then the value of emerald tools/gems will take a nose dive. And if they only let a couple of select people on that planet, then you have the “they blocked off the gem mines for themselves” complaints x 10.

However, seeing that they are going to allow people to rent gem planets = is probably a good thing. More choices. Opens things up for the newer players a lot more too, hopefully so that they experience less of a “gem wall” (whether we agree that exists or not).


Based off the comments in other threads, there’s a few people who plan to rent gem worlds specifically because of the walled off gem mines on perma planets, and the new rental worlds will be made public for all and unplottable.

Game balancing tools given to the players :slight_smile:


See, to me that just highlights a fundamental issue that the game may have. How that issue should be resolved may well require it’s own thread, but it should not be up to the players to pay more money to make the game balanced.


You need to pay for cubits to get plots or pay to rent a server… either way money gets moved… or you spend time farming in game I suppose to farm cubits to get plots? Time = money.

I was doing the game balance comment tongue in cheek. I don’t see how it’s a real problem.

They were adding permanent planets, then stopped suddenly.

But aren’t a lot of the perma planets basically void of life a majority of the time? I’m trying to follow your comment and any implication it might have. Are you saying that had they continued to release planets, then the gem’s being walled off wouldnt have been a problem. Or that they stopped generating new planets because they knew they could rent them out and shift the server cost to the player?

All I know about new planets are exos. and they dont seem to really harm the gem or ore market even though a majority of the time they have far far more of those resources than permas.

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We don’t know and it’s a waste of time to speculate without more info/data.

Before Exos, coils were sold for $15k+ and 3x3 tools brought minimum 10-20k. So it seems it did have an effect.

Hm, from what prior posts have said, the lowering of prices was simply more people leveling up and catching up to the early access players who already knew the game and were established and yada yada. That seems like it’d have more impact on economic behavior with more players mining more raw materials and then demand of resources dropping thereby causing a drop in crafted item prices.

thats not a proper disconnect

if you wonna see a real disconnect
feast ya eyes on this


May 3

I don’t even know what you’re asking for here.

What is auto sort?

Something that reorders your characters inventory?

after months off people asking to have auto sort on there storage
i guess dev inventory’s are always sorted

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He asked for clarification there since sorting can be done on many things…

Anyway, off topic…


This is a game. Time should equal enjoyment. I don’t get paid for my time playing so it’s a false equivalence.

Fair enough on the tongue-in-cheek comment. It’s hard to convey meaning in text sometimes, however, it still does highlight the issue that players are taking it upon themselves to pay for something they perceive as a game imbalance. Exo worlds do, in part, address that imbalance, but it seems more can be done to further address it before players players feel the need to dip into their pockets. Players paying for more gem planets for others to use is not a sustainable solution as the player base grows.


is there some sort off gem shortage?

Perceived gem shortage. People have to move around because of private mines and they feel that means most are covered. Perception is more important than reality in most settings, and they perceive gems to be hard to get due to so many people having mines.


so somebody gonna rent a planet cuase people to lazy to look for gems that are not plotted
if dev add new public gem planet people gonna build private mines on them aswell
so is there a solution to this suposed problem anyway?

It would have been to not allow players to plot gem mines lol - but that was part of the marketing for Boundless


The solution is an automated system to spawn planets and having a revolving door of exos. Honestly, I have a dozen or so spots for gems and never run into mines. So I don’t perceive a problem.

  • People who pay for these planets do it willingly.
  • I am no dev but I believe its more about maintaining game balance rather than being fair.